Daily Themed Crossword August 3 2024 answers

On this page you may find all the solutions and answers for Daily Themed Crossword August 3 2024. This page is updated daily with all the crossword clues.

# Clues Answer
1 Round music holders: Abbr. 3 Letters
2 Sticky stuff 3 Letters
3 ___ skip and jump 3 Letters
4 Made for ___ other 4 Letters
5 The Lion King lioness 4 Letters
6 New York's Madison or Fifth for short 3 Letters
7 Reed instrument in an orchestra 4 Letters
8 NFL's Manning and inventor Whitney for two 4 Letters
9 Zip ___ zoom 3 Letters
10 Tall ___ (exaggerated story) 4 Letters
11 Let's play a ___ record! Find the first step at 43a 5 Letters
12 ___ Zeppelin 3 Letters
13 T preceder phonetically 3 Letters
14 Black ___ (secret missions) 3 Letters
15 Swiss peak 3 Letters
16 Prolonged pain 4 Letters
17 Salt-N-___ hip-hop group behind R U Ready 4 Letters
18 Approximate landing time: Abbr. 3 Letters
19 Just ___ water (common instruction) 3 Letters
20 Banana discard 4 Letters
21 ___ gratia artis 3 Letters
22 Scheduled business appointment for short 3 Letters
23 Doctors' organization: Abbr. 3 Letters
24 Step 1: Take the record out of its ___ (protective cover)! 6 Letters
25 Glide around an ice rink 5 Letters
26 Stir-fry necessity 3 Letters
27 Tavern owner in The Simpsons 3 Letters
28 Step 2: Place the record on the ___ (revolving plate)! 9 Letters
29 Pencil holder? 3 Letters
30 ___ Glass of This American Life 3 Letters
31 Alley- ___ (basketball play) 3 Letters
32 There are two dozen in a day for short 3 Letters
33 Sin's trigonometric counterpart for short 3 Letters
34 Body part with it's own instincts? 3 Letters
35 Person at the apex of the corporate ladder: Abbr. 3 Letters
36 Apply carefully as foundation 3 Letters
37 Get off ___-free (without consequences) 4 Letters
38 Young lady 3 Letters
39 Martini garnish or a shade of green 5 Letters
40 Welcome sight in a desert 5 Letters
41 Weather forecast for a bit of smog 4 Letters
42 Presidential office shape 4 Letters
43 Kind of talk or rally 3 Letters
44 Get better 4 Letters
45 Step 3: Carefully place the ___ (sharp implement that reads the music) on the record to start playing! 6 Letters
46 Grazing ground 3 Letters
47 Intelligence agency with a cryptography department: Abbr. 3 Letters
48 Synonym of antonym for short 3 Letters
49 ___-wee's Big Adventure 1985 comedy directed by Tim Burton 3 Letters
50 Step 4: Adjust the volume of your ___ (sound-producing devices) and enjoy the music! 8 Letters
51 School group that includes parents: Abbr. 3 Letters
52 Maisie Williams starrer Then ___ You 4 Letters
53 Great quality flat-screen set : Abbr. 4 Letters
54 Where a risk-loving person might choose to live 4 Letters
55 ___ mater (one's old school) 4 Letters
56 Fire-lighting crime 5 Letters
57 Cut skirt feature 4 Letters
58 Space under the roof 5 Letters
59 Portuguese she 3 Letters
60 Take to the air 4 Letters
61 Continental currency 4 Letters
62 Expression of disinterest 3 Letters
63 ___ al Ghul (DC Comics character) 3 Letters
64 Swampy place 3 Letters
65 Baseballer Gehrig 3 Letters
66 Capable jokingly 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Region of Northern Europe 11 Letters
5 Like adjacent lands 9 Letters
6 Lowest part of the face 4 Letters
7 Wildebeests' annual pattern 9 Letters
8 Folding cots 9 Letters
9 What stenographers take 5 Letters
10 Acting Principal 8 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Really annoy 10 Letters
2 Hog 10 Letters
3 Conscious choice 8 Letters
4 Illuminated from behind 7 Letters
5 A neck-and-neck contest 9 Letters
6 Directional indicators 5 Letters
7 Equipping with an engine 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Creature like ALF or Mork 5 Letters
2 Devise 7 Letters
3 President Fillmore 7 Letters
4 Respiratory organ in fish 4 Letters
5 Sorts and files 9 Letters
6 Copied exactly 10 Letters
7 Football running back stat 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Nelson and Winnie 8 Letters
2 Colombia port city 9 Letters
3 Southeastern Alaska mountain 11 Letters
4 Teddy bear pitchman 7 Letters
5 Old alerting devices 6 Letters
6 Frightful 7 Letters
7 Ocean quality 8 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Turkey moistening process 7 Letters
2 Historic region of China 9 Letters
3 Creatures with backbones 11 Letters
4 Musical counterpoint 11 Letters
5 Oscar-winning actor Costner 5 Letters
6 Four-wheeled open carriage 9 Letters
7 Set up for a crime 5 Letters
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