Below you will find the solution for: Burn singer of r&b 7 Little Words which contains 5 Letters.
Since you already solved the clue Burn singer of r&b which had the answer USHER, you can simply go back at the main post to check the other daily crossword clues. You can do so by clicking the link here 7 Little Words February 16 2020
# | Clues | Answer |
1 | Finger jewelry | 5 Letters |
2 | Dinner jacket | 6 Letters |
3 | Football catch | 9 Letters |
4 | Handheld flower arrangement | 7 Letters |
5 | Feeding a large group | 8 Letters |
6 | Prevent from seeing clearly | 4 Letters |
# | Clues | Answer |
4 | Very large Australian bird | 4 Letters |
5 | Large crested bird | 9 Letters |
6 | New Zealand rail | 4 Letters |
7 | Ground-dwelling parrot | 6 Letters |
8 | Fastest-running bird | 7 Letters |
9 | Bird rediscovered in 1948 | 6 Letters |
10 | King or Emperor bird | 7 Letters |
# | Clues | Answer |
1 | Hatchet job | 11 Letters |
2 | Fit for sale | 10 Letters |
3 | Time away from work | 7 Letters |
4 | Tool to hold the line | 10 Letters |
5 | Salesperson's cut | 10 Letters |
6 | So as to cause upset | 11 Letters |
7 | Deep sea creature | 10 Letters |
# | Clues | Answer |
1 | Rodeo rope | 6 Letters |
2 | Key Take Five quality | 9 Letters |
3 | Make famous forever | 11 Letters |
4 | Lakers legend O'Neal | 4 Letters |
5 | Popular vote | 10 Letters |
6 | One who undertakes a journey | 8 Letters |
7 | Lowest possible level | 7 Letters |
# | Clues | Answer |
1 | Tropical storms | 8 Letters |
2 | Like Robinson Crusoe | 11 Letters |
3 | In an optimistic way | 9 Letters |
4 | Well source | 11 Letters |
5 | Lifted as one's spirits | 6 Letters |
6 | Small pulpy fruit | 5 Letters |
7 | Motley miscellaneous medley | 11 Letters |
# | Clues | Answer |
1 | Second marriage | 6 Letters |
2 | Cockney and Creole | 8 Letters |
3 | They do it just for laughs | 9 Letters |
4 | Given to making plans | 8 Letters |
5 | Wedding | 8 Letters |
6 | Language akin to Indonesian | 8 Letters |
7 | Australian dragon | 7 Letters |