
Worldwide crossword clue answer contains 6 letters and has been last seen on December 23 2024 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: GLOBAL

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Christmas baubles often 4 Letters
2 Ontario-based network that aired Schitt's Creek 3 Letters
3 Billiards bounces 6 Letters
4 Leafy vegetable in some Caesar salads 4 Letters
5 Former N.B.A. star ___ Ming 3 Letters
6 So done with that 6 Letters
7 *Hodgepodge bowlful of munchies 8 Letters
8 Become a new country in a way 6 Letters
9 Horses' homes 7 Letters
10 Joie de vivre 4 Letters
11 Trim from the roster 3 Letters
12 *Buses trains subways etc. 11 Letters
13 Hoppy holiday? 6 Letters
14 The I of FYI for short 4 Letters
15 Look forward to 5 Letters
16 CBS late show hosted by Taylor Tomlinson ... or where to find the first words of the answers to the starred clues 13 Letters
17 Dirty like a chimney 5 Letters
18 Q: Why shouldn't you tell secrets on a farm? A: Because the corn has ___! 4 Letters
19 Whipped dessert 6 Letters
20 ___ Mae (college loan provider) 6 Letters
21 *Rodeo footwear 11 Letters
22 Sly animal 3 Letters
23 The A in A.D. 4 Letters
24 Money owed 7 Letters
25 Tire patterns 6 Letters
26 *Portrait artist's medium 8 Letters
27 Rich cakes 6 Letters
28 ___ de plume 3 Letters
29 P R N D or L 4 Letters
30 Military affirmative 6 Letters
31 Musician/activist Yoko 3 Letters
32 Award such as Best Comeback Athlete or Best Team 4 Letters
33 Gives the green light 3 Letters
34 Operated 3 Letters
35 Words after 3 2 1 ... 5 Letters
36 Religious offshoot 3 Letters
37 Drum kit component 4 Letters
38 Backs out at the last second 6 Letters
39 Rowing crew captains informally 8 Letters
40 Counterpart of sin in trigonometry 6 Letters
41 ___ Maria (hymn) 4 Letters
42 Like yesterday 3 Letters
43 Ending words of an ultimatum 6 Letters
44 Where juggling balls are often seen 4 Letters
45 Arterial insert 4 Letters
46 ___ Sutra 3 Letters
47 Unwavering 6 Letters
48 Hollywood special effects for short 4 Letters
49 Forearm bone 3 Letters
50 Rarity in a drought 5 Letters
51 Sparkling Italian wine or the region it comes from 6 Letters
52 Spam spreader 5 Letters
53 Single-celled organism 3 Letters
54 Cleverness 5 Letters
55 Canadian gas brand 6 Letters
56 Optimistic like an outlook 5 Letters
57 Hair stiffener 3 Letters
58 Two equal parts to kids 4 Letters
59 Duo + one 6 Letters
60 Madonna coffee table book released a day after her 1992 album Erotica 3 Letters
61 Marilyn of Hollywood 4 Letters
62 Deed holders 4 Letters
63 W.W. II naval menaces 6 Letters
64 Heavenly protector of sailors 3 Letters
65 I need it yesterday! 4 Letters
66 Snarky as a remark 6 Letters
67 University of Maine town 8 Letters
68 Constellation with a belt 6 Letters
69 Apt anagram of ANGER minus N 4 Letters
70 Opus ___ 3 Letters
71 Latvia or Estonia pre-1991: Abbr. 5 Letters
72 Short snooze 3 Letters
73 Give some effort 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Trumpet player Gillespie 5 Letters
5 Charlie Parker's alias 8 Letters
6 Thomas Waller to fans 4 Letters
7 Saxophonist Adderley 10 Letters
8 Eleanora Fagan on stage 6 Letters
9 Jazz pianist Ellington 4 Letters
10 Louis Armstrong's moniker 7 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 What trains run on 9 Letters
2 Dissimilarities 11 Letters
3 In an extemporaneous way 11 Letters
4 More blameworthy 8 Letters
5 Negligence 11 Letters
6 Pretentious 7 Letters
7 Troublesome 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Gentle quality 8 Letters
2 Like a jester 10 Letters
3 Group in court 4 Letters
4 Uncertainly 9 Letters
5 Drop steeply 6 Letters
6 Neighbor of Windsor Ontario 7 Letters
7 Thin and fine 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 A yearning to do something 4 Letters
2 Isolate as a jury 9 Letters
3 Most unfriendly 8 Letters
4 El Kabong alter ego surname 6 Letters
5 Running events 5 Letters
6 Clustering together 8 Letters
7 Easily induced (to) 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Tapped gently 6 Letters
2 Related to the joints 9 Letters
3 Protect with precautions 7 Letters
4 Ends of many sequel titles 8 Letters
5 Treated like a doormat say 11 Letters
6 Beat-specific 8 Letters
7 Ice cream parlor offering 5 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.