What bouncers check on IDs

What bouncers check on IDs crossword clue answer contains 3 letters and has been last seen on March 4 2025 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: AGE

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Liquid for frying 3 Letters
2 On your mark get ___ go! 3 Letters
3 Beetle or Prius e.g. 3 Letters
4 Holding hands in public e.g.: Abbr. 3 Letters
5 Spot for an AirPod 3 Letters
6 Cinco de ___ (Mexican holiday) 4 Letters
7 The Voice performance 4 Letters
8 ___: Miami (forensic TV series): Abbr. 3 Letters
9 Can I borrow ___? (request in a classroom perhaps): 2 wds. 4 Letters
10 Muhammad ___ boxing legend who earned the nickname The Greatest 3 Letters
11 Settlement smaller than a city 4 Letters
12 Period's place in a sentence 3 Letters
13 Pointy-hatted garden figurine 5 Letters
14 It may be read before dinner 4 Letters
15 Mike ___ boxing star who went by the nickname Iron Mike 5 Letters
16 Nintendo's Super ___ (game console): Abbr. 3 Letters
17 Table support 3 Letters
18 ___ Mayweather Jr. legendary boxer with the flashy nickname Money 5 Letters
19 The Jungle Book bear 5 Letters
20 Leaning landmark in Pisa 5 Letters
21 Michael Scott from The Office for one 4 Letters
22 Pose as a question 3 Letters
23 Big college near Hollywood: Abbr. 4 Letters
24 Glazed Easter meats 4 Letters
25 Bugged by a bug? 3 Letters
26 World Golf Hall of Fame member Isao ___ 4 Letters
27 Got off as from a horse 4 Letters
28 Dim sum sauce 3 Letters
29 Surprise police visit 4 Letters
30 French luxury brand: Abbr. 3 Letters
31 Challenge legally 3 Letters
32 Letters from your parents? 3 Letters
33 Call of Duty: Black ___ (video game) 3 Letters
34 Altar vow: 2 wds. 3 Letters
35 Summertime Sadness singer ___ Del Rey 4 Letters
36 One minute has sixty of these for short 3 Letters
37 ___ of Eden (film starring James Dean) 4 Letters
38 The Powerpuff Girls e.g. 4 Letters
39 Toothpaste tube topper 3 Letters
40 Yes from a sailor 3 Letters
41 Harry Potter's red-headed friend 3 Letters
42 ___ Pacquiao famed boxer who fought under the name PacMan 5 Letters
43 TV show about a high school choir 4 Letters
44 Rest stop by the roadside 3 Letters
45 Kg or Lbs for short 3 Letters
46 Greyish-brown color (rhymes with bun) 3 Letters
47 Capital of Norway that houses the Munch Museum 4 Letters
48 The Simpsons bartender 3 Letters
49 Big Ben's country for short 3 Letters
50 Tabby talk 4 Letters
51 Back on a boat 3 Letters
52 Mop & ___ (cleaning brand) 3 Letters
53 Go down as the tide 3 Letters
54 ___ Paulo Brazil 3 Letters
55 Breadmaker's rising ingredient 5 Letters
56 Med school graduates for short 3 Letters
57 Baton Rouge school: Abbr. 3 Letters
58 ___ De La Hoya Olympic boxing star who was known by the nickname The Golden Boy 5 Letters
59 Gene Simmons' band 4 Letters
60 Washing machine unit 4 Letters
61 Similar in nature with to 4 Letters
62 Stable diet? 3 Letters
63 Pacino and Gore for two 3 Letters
64 Husband's parent: Abbr. 3 Letters
65 Skip To My ___ Judy Garland melody 3 Letters
66 Common name for sodium hydroxide 3 Letters
67 Actress ___ Lupino of High Sierra 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Large citrus fruit 6 Letters
5 Small red Japanese fruit 9 Letters
6 You eat its red seeds 11 Letters
7 Georgia's fruit 5 Letters
8 Bartlett or Concorde 4 Letters
9 Orange-fleshed fruit 6 Letters
10 Hawaiian pizza fruit 9 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Scoreboard column 4 Letters
2 Rodeo participant 5 Letters
3 Star Wars star Fisher 6 Letters
4 Presented as a present 6 Letters
5 Precipitated icily 7 Letters
6 Thinner 10 Letters
7 Slanting 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 It crashed in 1937 10 Letters
2 Mozart by birth 8 Letters
3 Resembling suede 11 Letters
4 High school novice slangily 5 Letters
5 Hanging artwork 7 Letters
6 Warsaw denizen 4 Letters
7 Zest 4 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Daffodil variety 7 Letters
2 Lots and lots 6 Letters
3 Bouncing gently on the knee 8 Letters
4 Respecting 10 Letters
5 Self-confidence 6 Letters
6 Merging 10 Letters
7 Contaminate 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Baseball players' headgear 4 Letters
2 Jam pickle or stew 4 Letters
3 Like log cabins 6 Letters
4 Place to buy a pie 8 Letters
5 Acid neutralizers 7 Letters
6 Person from Karachi 9 Letters
7 Pretty as a picture 10 Letters
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