Walk back and forth perhaps anxiously

Walk back and forth perhaps anxiously crossword clue answer contains 4 letters and has been last seen on February 21 2025 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: PACE

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 ___ Zeppelin 3 Letters
2 Coffee holder 3 Letters
3 Piece of concrete 4 Letters
4 Popular crayon brand ender 3 Letters
5 Singer Winehouse of the song Back to Back 3 Letters
6 Not narrow 4 Letters
7 Email address ender 3 Letters
8 Head of a sheep family 3 Letters
9 He pushed me to my ___ (maximum capacity) 5 Letters
10 Dough's massage 5 Letters
11 The house sits ___ a cliff 4 Letters
12 Attack command to a dog 3 Letters
13 Dancing with the Stars network: Abbr. 3 Letters
14 Ctrl + Alt + Del is a shortcut to a computer's ___ manager (item on a to-do list) 4 Letters
15 Hoard a blanket 3 Letters
16 Mary ___ a little lamb ...: 2 wds. 4 Letters
17 Bar pint purchase 3 Letters
18 Vibe around a person 4 Letters
19 Steam state of water 3 Letters
20 Roofing material 5 Letters
21 Ctrl + F5 or Ctrl + R is a shortcut to ___ a computer (load again) 7 Letters
22 Cargo weight unit 3 Letters
23 Flight landing schedule letters: Abbr. 3 Letters
24 Wander aimlessly 4 Letters
25 Closer to hot than cold 4 Letters
26 D.C. government members for short 4 Letters
27 Bee Cee ___ Eee 3 Letters
28 Actress Mendes from Ghost Rider 3 Letters
29 Data for short 4 Letters
30 Toothpaste tube 3 Letters
31 Catch a criminal 3 Letters
32 F11 is a shortcut to ___ screen the current window (feeling after eating a meal) 4 Letters
33 Day when it's especially hard to wake up in the morning for short 3 Letters
34 Ctrl + L is a shortcut to ___ your screen without logging out (secure) 4 Letters
35 Tesla's Musk 4 Letters
36 Actress Maggie Smith's title 4 Letters
37 ___ Gras 5 Letters
38 Actress Uma of the Kill Bill movies 3 Letters
39 Place where you might see No pain no gain 3 Letters
40 Alt + Tab is a shortcut to ___ to another tab (alternate) 6 Letters
41 Fancy ride to prom 4 Letters
42 I'm taking ___ in the pool: 2wds. 4 Letters
43 Gambler's stake 3 Letters
44 Dog breed that loves the water for short 3 Letters
45 Say What? 3 Letters
46 With ching a cash register sound 3 Letters
47 Act the yes-man 5 Letters
48 Professor aides: Abbr. 3 Letters
49 ___ of Me song by John Legend 3 Letters
50 Airplane belt 4 Letters
51 O in SOS 3 Letters
52 Measure of someone's years on Earth 3 Letters
53 ___ Auto Volkswagen's discontinued tagline 3 Letters
54 Day after 4d 3 Letters
55 Towards the rear of a boat 3 Letters
56 With off sped away 4 Letters
57 Over the counter antacid 3 Letters
58 Not ripe 3 Letters
59 ___ I care!: 2 wds. 4 Letters
60 The ___ 2022 thriller movie about the adventures of guests invited to a secluded restaurant on an island 4 Letters
61 Male ancestor biblically 4 Letters
62 Ctrl + Y is a shortcut to ___ what you have undone (opposite of undo) 4 Letters
63 Mathematical average 4 Letters
64 Mightier than a sword? 3 Letters
65 Singer Max of Sweet but Psycho 3 Letters
66 Car hailed by a raised arm 3 Letters
67 Organization with the Cowboys and Chiefs: Abbr. 3 Letters
68 Fa-La bridging note 3 Letters


If you enjoy crossword puzzles, word finds, and anagram games, you're going to love 7 Little Words! Each bite-size puzzle consists of 7 clues, 7 mystery words, and 20 letter groups. Find the mystery words by deciphering the clues and combining the letter groups. 7 Little Words is FUN, CHALLENGING, and EASY TO LEARN. We guarantee you've never played anything like it before. Give 7 Little Words a try today! From the creators of Moxie, Monkey Wrench, and Red Herring.

Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Hit 212 degrees 6 Letters
5 From a scenic Tuscan city 10 Letters
6 Hunted game illegally 7 Letters
7 Mixed up 9 Letters
8 Mentally exhausted 5 Letters
9 Temporarily stitched 6 Letters
10 Movie star Cumberbatch 8 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Discoverer 6 Letters
2 Courtly 10 Letters
3 Reducing a digital footprint 11 Letters
4 Powerful line of rulers 7 Letters
5 Popular messaging service 8 Letters
6 They say it's only skin deep 6 Letters
7 Groups of three 5 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Unlikely chance occurrences 6 Letters
2 Relics of the distant past 7 Letters
3 Roused to action 9 Letters
4 Meandering 9 Letters
5 Jim of CBS Sports 5 Letters
6 Radiate or emit 5 Letters
7 Like unkempt facial hair 8 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 EGOT winner Barbra 9 Letters
2 Sink load 8 Letters
3 German tennis champ Becker 5 Letters
4 Starts a game of pool 6 Letters
5 Damon Albarn's virtual band 8 Letters
6 Piece of garlic 5 Letters
7 System keeping you healthy 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 The planets for example 5 Letters
2 Sits obediently perhaps 5 Letters
3 Used for feeling 7 Letters
4 Fiery 10 Letters
5 PBS Kids programming say 11 Letters
6 Form of Japanese drama 6 Letters
7 Resembling Popeye perhaps 10 Letters
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