Utah winter resort

Utah winter resort crossword clue answer contains 4 letters and has been last seen on January 20 2025 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: ALTA

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Unwanted piece of mail 4 Letters
2 Took to court 4 Letters
3 Blog addition 4 Letters
4 Written legal argument 5 Letters
5 Red carpet hairstyle often 4 Letters
6 Sephora rival 4 Letters
7 Only U.N. member whose name starts with Q 5 Letters
8 Places that are off-limits 9 Letters
9 Path of advancement for a lawyer 12 Letters
10 High-pitched bark 3 Letters
11 Since informally 3 Letters
12 Sending a chill up one's spine 5 Letters
13 Position for Steph Curry or Caitlin Clark 10 Letters
14 Like Easter eggs or purple hair 4 Letters
15 Speaking platforms 5 Letters
16 Antidrug cop informally 4 Letters
17 Go along with prevailing wisdom 13 Letters
18 Athletic gear that comes in pairs 4 Letters
19 Too rich for my blood 5 Letters
20 Pride parade inits. 4 Letters
21 Manual for consistency in writing 10 Letters
22 Helpful 5 Letters
23 Composer ___-Manuel Miranda 3 Letters
24 Was first to play a card 3 Letters
25 Do one's job to the point of exhaustion ... or a hint to the ends of 20- 27- 36- and 49-Across 12 Letters
26 Biscuit for cookie or chips for fries 9 Letters
27 Novices informally 5 Letters
28 Frozen treats 4 Letters
29 Laters! 5 Letters
30 Host's place usually on a late-night talk show 4 Letters
31 Expresses silent agreement 4 Letters
32 Not discard 4 Letters
33 Roasting event for short 3 Letters
34 Reflective Glass on the radio 3 Letters
35 Hoppin' in slang 3 Letters
36 Hop 4 Letters
37 Chinese general who wrote The Art of War 6 Letters
38 Once ___ a time … 4 Letters
39 Rim 4 Letters
40 Let's Make a Deal option 4 Letters
41 Made contented sounds like a cat 6 Letters
42 Kevin of Shark Tank also known as Mr. Wonderful 6 Letters
43 Tween sister of Barbie 6 Letters
44 Assigned a job 6 Letters
45 Geometric figures whose subparts mimic the full shape 8 Letters
46 Had a meal 3 Letters
47 Toupee in slang 3 Letters
48 Roblox or TikTok 3 Letters
49 T-top for one 4 Letters
50 Stereotypical canine name 4 Letters
51 Zero 3 Letters
52 Impatient 5 Letters
53 When doubled gung-ho 3 Letters
54 Hip-hop's Dr. ___ 3 Letters
55 Hair knots with a French name 8 Letters
56 Gives a thumbs up 3 Letters
57 Clever humor 3 Letters
58 Large bird that lays green eggs which are incubated by the male 3 Letters
59 Stir up 4 Letters
60 Bruh 4 Letters
61 ___ Talks 3 Letters
62 Likely winner of a construction contract 6 Letters
63 Sensation of acceleration 6 Letters
64 Represses as a bad memory 6 Letters
65 Bad you! 6 Letters
66 Pack animals that can spit up to 10 feet when irritated 6 Letters
67 Festival at the end of Ramadan 3 Letters
68 Retired QB Manning 3 Letters
69 Volunteer's words 4 Letters
70 Unit of smuggled drugs 4 Letters
71 Abbr. before a year on a cornerstone 4 Letters
72 Eccentric expert 4 Letters
73 Itsy-bitsy 3 Letters
74 Ta-ta 3 Letters
75 Drain the energy from 3 Letters


If you enjoy crossword puzzles, word finds, and anagram games, you're going to love 7 Little Words! Each bite-size puzzle consists of 7 clues, 7 mystery words, and 20 letter groups. Find the mystery words by deciphering the clues and combining the letter groups. 7 Little Words is FUN, CHALLENGING, and EASY TO LEARN. We guarantee you've never played anything like it before. Give 7 Little Words a try today! From the creators of Moxie, Monkey Wrench, and Red Herring.

Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Mean 7 Letters
5 Jeanne Gang for one 9 Letters
6 Ill-willed 10 Letters
7 Playwright Boothe Luce 5 Letters
8 Sharp ridge 5 Letters
9 Navy Pier city 7 Letters
10 Take heed 6 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Dirt cheap material 4 Letters
2 Inhabited 9 Letters
3 Don't judge a book by it 5 Letters
4 Lyft workers 7 Letters
5 Leaving out 9 Letters
6 Thorough search 9 Letters
7 Like some plans 9 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Braids in Britain 6 Letters
2 Coco of high fashion 6 Letters
3 Weatherproofing goop 5 Letters
4 Experts in reasoning 9 Letters
5 Attach 5 Letters
6 Model Sims 5 Letters
7 Gumby style 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Plight 9 Letters
2 Abrasive tool 4 Letters
3 Done in 5 Letters
4 Brouhahas 8 Letters
5 Peevish 5 Letters
6 Polish composer Fr?d?ric 6 Letters
7 Like governmental branches 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Multi-Oscar winner Hepburn 9 Letters
2 It's in tiers at a wedding 4 Letters
3 In a repetitive way 11 Letters
4 Reduced to powder 10 Letters
5 Group of five bones in hand 10 Letters
6 Large Old World monkeys 7 Letters
7 Capital fellow 10 Letters
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