Take a ___

Take a ___ crossword clue answer contains 9 letters and has been last seen on September 6 2024 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: BEEFPATTY

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Mollycoddle 4 Letters
2 They often have multiple horns 8 Letters
3 Spy's assumption 5 Letters
4 One might be reached at a summit 9 Letters
5 Part of the military brass? 5 Letters
6 Intensely focused 9 Letters
7 Hyperbolic ordinal 9 Letters
8 Compete in a Summer Olympic sport 5 Letters
9 Claim in court 4 Letters
10 Peke's squeak 3 Letters
11 Something made just for show? 3 Letters
12 Agcy. that helps start-ups 3 Letters
13 Keir Starmer and others for short 3 Letters
14 Emily's List e.g. informally 3 Letters
15 Rembrandt and Sargent notably 15 Letters
16 Much appreciated 15 Letters
17 Line from a blame-shifter 15 Letters
18 A split one may need trimming 3 Letters
19 Garden swimmer 3 Letters
20 Go to the ___ thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise: Proverbs 6:6 3 Letters
21 Faux finish? 3 Letters
22 Where the malleus and incus bones are found 3 Letters
23 Jerry's car of choice on Seinfeld 4 Letters
24 Pangolin scales functionally 5 Letters
25 Transient 9 Letters
26 Youth-centric magazine spinoff 9 Letters
27 Subject of the classic song lyric I'll see you in my dreams 5 Letters
28 Competition with many missions 9 Letters
29 Roman goddess of childbirth 5 Letters
30 Where one person's trash is another's treasure 8 Letters
31 Unsullied environment 4 Letters
32 Hindu gentleman 4 Letters
33 Booster perhaps 4 Letters
34 Powerful D.C. lobby informally 5 Letters
35 Crimean town in 1945 headlines 4 Letters
36 In transit 4 Letters
37 Comedian Griffin 5 Letters
38 Frankfurter's cry 9 Letters
39 Part of a slider 5 Letters
40 Shipbuilder's tool 5 Letters
41 Crayola's atomic tangerine and shocking pink e.g. 4 Letters
42 Chicken or mashed potato 4 Letters
43 Nasty fall? 4 Letters
44 Nostradamus supposedly 9 Letters
45 Certain chess tactic 8 Letters
46 Deep-fried Latin American fare 3 Letters
47 Swear words? 3 Letters
48 What female llamas do to show disinterest in a mate 4 Letters
49 Ice cream or cake? response perhaps 5 Letters
50 White peg in Battleship 4 Letters
51 Was awful 5 Letters
52 ___ Never Sleeps (banking slogan) 4 Letters
53 Spot for a toque 5 Letters
54 Things touched by touchy topics 4 Letters
55 Bajo's opposite 3 Letters
56 It's leavened with sour milk 3 Letters
57 Bootlegger busters 8 Letters
58 Con target 4 Letters
59 Relative of a pupusa 4 Letters
60 Slander 4 Letters
61 Grand 5 Letters
62 Surrounded by 5 Letters
63 Treetop dwelling 9 Letters
64 Ready for a drive perhaps? 5 Letters
65 Shade akin to mauve 4 Letters
66 Giggle syllable 4 Letters
67 Burrell of the Food Network 5 Letters
68 Tend (toward) 4 Letters
69 Kia ___ (New Zealand greeting) 4 Letters


If you enjoy crossword puzzles, word finds, and anagram games, you're going to love 7 Little Words! Each bite-size puzzle consists of 7 clues, 7 mystery words, and 20 letter groups. Find the mystery words by deciphering the clues and combining the letter groups. 7 Little Words is FUN, CHALLENGING, and EASY TO LEARN. We guarantee you've never played anything like it before. Give 7 Little Words a try today! From the creators of Moxie, Monkey Wrench, and Red Herring.

Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Dreary 6 Letters
5 They're mischievous 7 Letters
6 Change to a sound wave 10 Letters
7 Spicy handheld meals 5 Letters
8 Where inventory may be taken 9 Letters
9 Most malleable metal 4 Letters
10 They're sort of like similes 9 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Space for storage 8 Letters
2 Stared (at) 5 Letters
3 Mild-tasting ocean fishes 4 Letters
4 Position of dominance 10 Letters
5 Olympic flame carrier 11 Letters
6 Newspaper perhaps 8 Letters
7 A red suit 8 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Pooh-poohed 9 Letters
2 Supportive quality 11 Letters
3 Qatar for one 7 Letters
4 Fixed a shoestring 7 Letters
5 To a man 9 Letters
6 Hint of perfume 5 Letters
7 Pal of Archie Andrews 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Old-fashioned 5 Letters
2 Unit for measuring vitamins 9 Letters
3 Place to keep your socks 7 Letters
4 Wooly youngsters 5 Letters
5 In a generous manner 11 Letters
6 Sword sheath 8 Letters
7 Composes a movie's music 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 British medical journal 6 Letters
2 Gigantic 7 Letters
3 Fascinate 9 Letters
4 Jack Kerouac and his posse 8 Letters
5 Periodic table creator 9 Letters
6 Good fences make them good 9 Letters
7 Trait of Bonneville Speedway 8 Letters
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