Sources of soft wool

Sources of soft wool crossword clue answer contains 6 letters and has been last seen on February 6 2025 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: LLAMAS

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Damsel in distress in Donkey Kong 7 Letters
2 Preschool timeouts 4 Letters
3 Lawn covering 3 Letters
4 Sources of fine wool 7 Letters
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6 Air quality org. 3 Letters
7 Identity? 12 Letters
8 Mingle 3 Letters
9 Strikes down 6 Letters
10 Catherine ___ surviving wife of King Henry VIII 4 Letters
11 Platform that might update while you sleep 3 Letters
12 Closure 3 Letters
13 Deport? 10 Letters
14 Eschew carbs maybe 4 Letters
15 NASA probe named for a Roman goddess 4 Letters
16 No problemo 6 Letters
17 Balance 6 Letters
18 Drags (in) 5 Letters
19 Arrange? 6 Letters
20 Canine? 6 Letters
21 Diminish as trust 5 Letters
22 Sense of foreboding 6 Letters
23 Self-obsession 6 Letters
24 Darth Sidious e.g. in the Star Wars universe 4 Letters
25 Machine learning fodder 4 Letters
26 Hiking? 10 Letters
27 Abraham Van Helsing and John Seward in Dracula: Abbr. 3 Letters
28 Zelda console in brief 3 Letters
29 ___ Lum a.k.a. Awkwafina 4 Letters
30 Purge 3 Letters
31 Fledge? 12 Letters
32 Tire inflation abbr. 3 Letters
33 Leave a review of as an Airbnb 4 Letters
34 Banquet hiree 7 Letters
35 Fuji e.g.: Abbr. 3 Letters
36 What ___? 4 Letters
37 Most hip 7 Letters
38 Deconstructed in a way 6 Letters
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40 Benefit 6 Letters
41 Stick it out 4 Letters
42 Drink with a Frosted Lemonade variety 4 Letters
43 Capital ball club familiarly 4 Letters
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45 What's cookin'? response 7 Letters
46 Clock radio feature 5 Letters
47 Rotten-smelling 6 Letters
48 Your point being …? 3 Letters
49 Submission to a record executive 8 Letters
50 Parts of a season 8 Letters
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52 Serve hot takes 5 Letters
53 Paid no heed to 7 Letters
54 Fail to do something out of fear with out 4 Letters
55 Wonks ... or a candy once owned by the Willy Wonka Candy Company 5 Letters
56 Street Dreams rapper 3 Letters
57 Obsequious sorts 7 Letters
58 #35 3 Letters
59 Smart-alecky 5 Letters
60 Ballpark player not wearing a uniform 8 Letters
61 Got a closer look 8 Letters
62 Org. that sells Go Vegan and Nobody Gets Hurt T-shirts 4 Letters
63 Ni-i-ice! 3 Letters
64 Mice! 3 Letters
65 Cost of doing business maybe 7 Letters
66 Chinese hello 5 Letters
67 Rare type of rental car 6 Letters
68 ___ from afar 6 Letters
69 Remnants 6 Letters
70 Classify 6 Letters
71 Comes out of one's skin 5 Letters
72 OMG I'm dying over here 4 Letters
73 Mother to Apollo and Artemis 4 Letters
74 One-footed jump 4 Letters
75 Record player speed for short 3 Letters
76 Test for an M.B.A. seeker 3 Letters
77 Air quality org.? 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
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5 Business outfits 9 Letters
6 Verdi opera set in Egypt 4 Letters
7 Water rescue tool 8 Letters
8 Giant ice cube 4 Letters
9 Lowbush blueberry fields 7 Letters
10 Deflating news for a tire 8 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Does some angling 6 Letters
2 Suggest 6 Letters
3 They may be overridden 6 Letters
4 Finished! 4 Letters
5 People who study Latin 11 Letters
6 Campers' illumination 8 Letters
7 Lowermost building areas 9 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 It made the Rodeo 5 Letters
2 Variety of computer mouse 9 Letters
3 Gentlemen's opposite numbers 6 Letters
4 Ford pony cars 8 Letters
5 In an enticing way 11 Letters
6 Speaking excitedly 8 Letters
7 Intimidate 5 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Sweater named after an earl 8 Letters
2 Minimum marker 8 Letters
3 Relating to the lung tubes 9 Letters
4 Made empty conversation 8 Letters
5 Credit problem 4 Letters
6 Tall grass 7 Letters
7 Tomato-based chowder 9 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Crooked San Francisco street 7 Letters
2 Knife sharpener 8 Letters
3 On time 6 Letters
4 Varnish for example 7 Letters
5 Purple gemstone 9 Letters
6 Convincing evidence 5 Letters
7 Not eligible to play 8 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.