Sexual attraction with the

Sexual attraction with the crossword clue answer contains 6 letters and has been last seen on August 28 2024 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: PASTAS

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Chicken par_ _ _ _ _ in fat 5 Letters
2 Last word at times 3 Letters
3 Hurdles for doct_ _ _ _ _tudents 5 Letters
4 Lover boy 5 Letters
5 Bronx politician with a noted 2018 upset familiarly 3 Letters
6 Clay figure in Jewish folklore 5 Letters
7 Referring t_ _ _ _ _est 5 Letters
8 Onetime studio with a broadcast tower in its logo 3 Letters
9 I_ _ _ _ _at terrifies thanatophobes 5 Letters
10 Has the stage 4 Letters
11 Participants in a 140.6-mile race 7 Letters
12 Prenatal diagnostic in brief 5 Letters
13 Because 6 Letters
14 Cropped photo? 3 Letters
15 Made amends for wh_ _ _ _ _ _id 6 Letters
16 Something that can be dominant 4 Letters
17 Comfortable 6 Letters
18 Up there so to speak 3 Letters
19 Outline 4 Letters
20 They pu_ _ _ _ _ _ _tuff 7 Letters
21 Star Tre_ _ _ _ _ _ _ot heard on the original series 7 Letters
22 Account 4 Letters
23 Snap back? 3 Letters
24 Famous failures of the '50s 6 Letters
25 Maker of Aspire laptops 4 Letters
26 Another word fo_ _ _ _ _ _awag 6 Letters
27 A Venusian one lasts eight Earth months 3 Letters
28 Being and Nothingness author 6 Letters
29 Venerable teachers 5 Letters
30 Casual greeting 7 Letters
31 Tuscan city on the Arno River 4 Letters
32 Street feature needed after a har_ _ _ _ _ 5 Letters
33 Word with tail or tight 3 Letters
34 Pitcher's positio_ _ _ _ _e lineup historically 5 Letters
35 Going places? 5 Letters
36 Smoothie bar supply 3 Letters
37 Title role of 1966 and 2004 5 Letters
38 It'_ _ _ _ _n on a vampire hunt 5 Letters
39 Like many autumn leaves 3 Letters
40 Tempe_ _ _ _ _onsoon e.g. 5 Letters
41 Counselor on the Enterprise 4 Letters
42 Texter's qualifier 3 Letters
43 Actress Davis 4 Letters
44 Opposite of vert. 6 Letters
45 Spanish-speaking neighborhood 3 Letters
46 Half of the couple on the iconic Rolling Stone cover of 1/22/81 4 Letters
47 Subj. for Milton Friedman 6 Letters
48 Nash who wrote A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of 3 Letters
49 Units of X-ray exposure 5 Letters
50 In the manner of 9 Letters
51 Court call 3 Letters
52 Texter's Unbelievable 4 Letters
53 Make sense of 5 Letters
54 When your broad mind and narrow waist begin to change places per E. Joseph Cossman 9 Letters
55 Broadway Auntie 6 Letters
56 Placed bets on both sides 3 Letters
57 Neighbor of Zambia and Namibia 4 Letters
58 Itsy-bitsy 7 Letters
59 Foods with names often ending in i 7 Letters
60 Ivy League city surrounded by more than 150 waterfalls 4 Letters
61 Fury 3 Letters
62 Animal with a bugle-like mating call 6 Letters
63 Analyze to a fault 9 Letters
64 Site of many wrecks 5 Letters
65 Going nowhere 4 Letters
66 Lifeblood 3 Letters
67 Checked the IDs of 9 Letters
68 Often-skipped step when making rice 5 Letters
69 Like the proverbial milk 3 Letters
70 Will figure 6 Letters
71 411 4 Letters
72 Energize 3 Letters
73 Beg pardon ... 6 Letters
74 They often mix up lyrics 4 Letters
75 Spoil 3 Letters
76 Exclamation of enlightenment 6 Letters
77 Grammy winner for Best Rap Album in 2021 4 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Bursting at the seams 11 Letters
5 Landing strips 7 Letters
6 Let's Make a Deal choices 5 Letters
7 Making an origami fold 8 Letters
8 Twisters actress Maura 7 Letters
9 Dumas' musketeers say 4 Letters
10 How a bride glows typically 9 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Mentioned 8 Letters
2 Skylark maker 5 Letters
3 Got some exercise 6 Letters
4 Spies' contacts 8 Letters
5 River cruise company 6 Letters
6 Driver's offense 8 Letters
7 In great quantity 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Skied on a slalom perhaps 6 Letters
2 Spanish music genre 8 Letters
3 Transported dirty dishes 5 Letters
4 Post office delivery 4 Letters
5 Assistance location 8 Letters
6 Foibles 6 Letters
7 Blue Jays stadium once 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Wimbledon champion Boris 6 Letters
2 They are handed down 10 Letters
3 Parties at the stadium 9 Letters
4 Mountainside music-maker 9 Letters
5 Sasquatch 7 Letters
6 Complex entity 9 Letters
7 Using a key 9 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Northern neighbor of Nepal 5 Letters
2 Pure folly 6 Letters
3 Baby food mostly 5 Letters
4 Quito resident for one 10 Letters
5 Give up formally 8 Letters
6 Greasy soul food staple 7 Letters
7 Unit for measuring firewood 4 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.