Raggedy doll

Raggedy doll crossword clue answer contains 3 letters and has been last seen on March 15 2025 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: ANN

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Opposite of no 3 Letters
2 Winking organ 3 Letters
3 Nightclub record spinners: Abbr. 3 Letters
4 Card game where people might Draw Four 3 Letters
5 Tater ___ (potato snack) 3 Letters
6 Regret 3 Letters
7 Like two peas in a ___ 3 Letters
8 ___ far (until this point) 4 Letters
9 Agitate or provoke (rhymes with pile) 4 Letters
10 ___ Hayek actress and almost every '90s teen's crush from films like Desperado and Wild Wild West 5 Letters
11 Quarterback Manning 3 Letters
12 ___ Your Mama Jennifer Lopez hit 4 Letters
13 College for NCAA Bruins: Abbr. 4 Letters
14 Windshield's sunscreen feature 4 Letters
15 FBI employee for short 3 Letters
16 ___ to a Nightingale by John Keats 3 Letters
17 ___ Fraser actor and almost every '90s teen's crush from films like George of the Jungle and The Mummy 7 Letters
18 Right this minute! 3 Letters
19 Suffix with convert or collect 4 Letters
20 ___-weeny (small) 4 Letters
21 Maiden name indicator 3 Letters
22 ___ Reeves actor and almost every '90s teen's crush from films like Point Break and Speed 5 Letters
23 Character from The Incredibles who once said No capes! 4 Letters
24 Tally 3 Letters
25 ___-of-the-moment (impulsive decision) 4 Letters
26 Cameron ___ actress and almost every '90s teen's crush from movies like The Mask and She's the One 4 Letters
27 Psychic power: Abbr. 3 Letters
28 Michelin or Goodyear product 4 Letters
29 Christ the Redeemer city colloquially 3 Letters
30 ___ so fast! 3 Letters
31 What needs shoveling in the winter 4 Letters
32 Te ___ (Spanish lover's words) 3 Letters
33 Genetic messenger: Abbr. 3 Letters
34 Agreement in slang 3 Letters
35 Nephew of Cain 4 Letters
36 Pepsi or Dr. Pepper e.g. 4 Letters
37 ___ Hawke actor and almost every '90s teen's subtle crush since Before Sunrise and Reality Bites 5 Letters
38 Thriller television series starring Penn Badgley 3 Letters
39 Sci-fi basket riders?: Abbr. 3 Letters
40 Fire safety routine say 5 Letters
41 ___ Roberts actress and almost every '90s teen's crush ever since Pretty Woman and My Best Friend's Wedding 5 Letters
42 Look at 3 Letters
43 Oversharing alert on text: Abbr. 3 Letters
44 Video camera button for short 3 Letters
45 Back muscle for short 3 Letters
46 Ping-pong surface 5 Letters
47 Versatile truck for short 3 Letters
48 Elephant weight unit 3 Letters
49 Words before an altar kiss: 2 wds. 3 Letters
50 Like a toy just purchased 3 Letters
51 College senior's test: Abbr. 3 Letters
52 ___ a hand? 4 Letters
53 Maze runner's wrong path: 2 wds. 7 Letters
54 Big Apple's big school: Abbr. 3 Letters
55 Roadside stay 3 Letters
56 Bracelet piece usually 4 Letters
57 Toy musical instrument 5 Letters
58 German currency 4 Letters
59 ___ Barrymore actress and almost every '90s teen's crush from movies like Boys on the Side and Never Been Kissed 4 Letters
60 Public roads for short 3 Letters
61 Bowling target 3 Letters
62 Means for pension: Abbr. 3 Letters
63 Archer's skill 3 Letters
64 Kal-El to Jonathan Kent 3 Letters
65 School group for parents: Abbr. 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Trumpet player Gillespie 5 Letters
5 Charlie Parker's alias 8 Letters
6 Thomas Waller to fans 4 Letters
7 Saxophonist Adderley 10 Letters
8 Eleanora Fagan on stage 6 Letters
9 Jazz pianist Ellington 4 Letters
10 Louis Armstrong's moniker 7 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 What trains run on 9 Letters
2 Dissimilarities 11 Letters
3 In an extemporaneous way 11 Letters
4 More blameworthy 8 Letters
5 Negligence 11 Letters
6 Pretentious 7 Letters
7 Troublesome 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Gentle quality 8 Letters
2 Like a jester 10 Letters
3 Group in court 4 Letters
4 Uncertainly 9 Letters
5 Drop steeply 6 Letters
6 Neighbor of Windsor Ontario 7 Letters
7 Thin and fine 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 A yearning to do something 4 Letters
2 Isolate as a jury 9 Letters
3 Most unfriendly 8 Letters
4 El Kabong alter ego surname 6 Letters
5 Running events 5 Letters
6 Clustering together 8 Letters
7 Easily induced (to) 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Tapped gently 6 Letters
2 Related to the joints 9 Letters
3 Protect with precautions 7 Letters
4 Ends of many sequel titles 8 Letters
5 Treated like a doormat say 11 Letters
6 Beat-specific 8 Letters
7 Ice cream parlor offering 5 Letters
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