Putting an ___ in stockings Christmas tradition of using a citrus fruit as stocking stuffers that is now replaced with gadgets and toys

Putting an ___ in stockings Christmas tradition of using a citrus fruit as stocking stuffers that is now replaced with gadgets and toys crossword clue answer contains 6 letters and has been last seen on December 7 2024 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: ORANGE

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Dirt in a puddle 3 Letters
2 Harry Styles' former band ___ Direction 3 Letters
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4 Chowed down chowder say 3 Letters
5 Judge's gown 4 Letters
6 Mama sheep 3 Letters
7 ___-I-Am (Dr. Seuss protagonist) 3 Letters
8 First guy in Eden 4 Letters
9 ___ over backwards (make efforts) 4 Letters
10 Rose's prickly feature 5 Letters
11 Burning a ___ log Christmas ritual that isn't widely practiced anymore but a New York station airs it for four hours each Christmas morning 4 Letters
12 Item found in an Easter basket 3 Letters
13 Book with maps and topography 5 Letters
14 ___ and tidy (clean) 4 Letters
15 Telling ___ stories old spooky Christmas Eve tradition that is now closely associated with Halloween 5 Letters
16 Dynamic pair 3 Letters
17 Knee protector while skating 3 Letters
18 Friday predecessor for short 3 Letters
19 Nebraska's largest city 5 Letters
20 Beer measure at a pub 4 Letters
21 Singing ___ once popular door-to-door Christmas tradition that is slowly disappearing 6 Letters
22 Mamma ___! 3 Letters
23 ___ carte: 2 wds. 3 Letters
24 Christmas ___ traditional Christmas meal centerpiece that has been replaced by turkey or ham 5 Letters
25 Game show host Trebek 4 Letters
26 ___ Ness monster (Scottish legend) 4 Letters
27 Fisherman's tool 3 Letters
28 ___-drop silence 3 Letters
29 Where you might insert coins in a vending machine 4 Letters
30 Soda container 3 Letters
31 ___ Lasso sports comedy-drama series 3 Letters
32 Plus sign operation in math 3 Letters
33 Alias equivalent: Abbr. 3 Letters
34 Sail supporting pole 4 Letters
35 Great Salt Lake's home 4 Letters
36 Free test version of a software for short 4 Letters
37 Bobblehead action 3 Letters
38 Online auction site 4 Letters
39 I ___ the Light (song featured in Tangled) 3 Letters
40 To possess something like a car 3 Letters
41 Head of Stark House in Game of Thrones 3 Letters
42 Big Australian bird 3 Letters
43 Amy's sister in Little Women 4 Letters
44 Kylo ___ from Star Wars 3 Letters
45 Internet connectivity delay 3 Letters
46 ___ year (break from studying) 3 Letters
47 Parking area 3 Letters
48 Remains after a fire 3 Letters
49 Ed Helms' character in The Hangover 3 Letters
50 Sink attachment that controls water flow 3 Letters
51 What's up ___? (Bugs Bunny catchphrase) 3 Letters
52 ___ Thurman (Kill Bill actress) 3 Letters
53 Canoe propeller 3 Letters
54 Like mood lighting 3 Letters
55 Public prank 4 Letters
56 ___ of Me song by John Legend 3 Letters
57 Twelfth ___ post-Christmas tradition of celebrating the last day of the season that is rarely observed today 5 Letters
58 Chinese way of life 3 Letters
59 Spicy nacho dip 5 Letters
60 Black and white sea predator 4 Letters
61 Relax in a bathtub say 4 Letters
62 ___ Mode suit designer from The Incredibles 4 Letters
63 Well-suited like the name Rose for a florist 3 Letters
64 Word after white or bold-faced 3 Letters
65 Wrap-up say 3 Letters
66 Like grandparents? 3 Letters
67 Cape ___ Massachusetts 3 Letters


If you enjoy crossword puzzles, word finds, and anagram games, you're going to love 7 Little Words! Each bite-size puzzle consists of 7 clues, 7 mystery words, and 20 letter groups. Find the mystery words by deciphering the clues and combining the letter groups. 7 Little Words is FUN, CHALLENGING, and EASY TO LEARN. We guarantee you've never played anything like it before. Give 7 Little Words a try today! From the creators of Moxie, Monkey Wrench, and Red Herring.

Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Bites down on 6 Letters
5 Gave the once over 4 Letters
6 Dancer to The Blue Danube 7 Letters
7 Titian's tool 10 Letters
8 Ricochet wildly 5 Letters
9 Fizzy water inventor Joseph 9 Letters
10 Astana resident 6 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Numerousness 9 Letters
2 Shot that misses the hoop 7 Letters
3 Low points 6 Letters
4 Produce goods by machinery 11 Letters
5 Made butter say 7 Letters
6 What dry cookies do 7 Letters
7 Doorbell alternative 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Gepetto was one 10 Letters
2 Residents of Quito 11 Letters
3 Inaptly titled 8 Letters
4 Masonry 9 Letters
5 Dances at luaus 5 Letters
6 Uninjured 9 Letters
7 Gambols about 5 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Dallas Cowboys mascot 5 Letters
2 Seven-time F1 World Champion 10 Letters
3 Write poetry 7 Letters
4 Small bit 5 Letters
5 Kindle 7 Letters
6 Ready to be shipped 8 Letters
7 Myopic 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Imbued with a strong taste 6 Letters
2 Overly sweet 6 Letters
3 Consumer review app 4 Letters
4 Bog hole content 9 Letters
5 Wagon maker 10 Letters
6 They replace sick teachers 11 Letters
7 Second largest whale 7 Letters
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