
Press crossword clue answer contains 5 letters and has been last seen on February 8 2025 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: MEDIA

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 What may precede a blessing 5 Letters
2 School whose mascot is Big Al the elephant informally 4 Letters
3 Studios say: Abbr. 4 Letters
4 Flattering sort 10 Letters
5 Celebrity chef with a role in the 1995 film Casino 4 Letters
6 It gets inflated and goes straight to your head 10 Letters
7 Prune 4 Letters
8 Sedaris of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt 3 Letters
9 Representation 5 Letters
10 Gas-infused coffee order 5 Letters
11 Kibitzes 4 Letters
12 Plant item used in early genetics experiments 6 Letters
13 Foul moods 5 Letters
14 Keyboard shortcut for switching between Windows applications 6 Letters
15 Good in Italian 5 Letters
16 Assessment for dummies 9 Letters
17 Capo e.g. 5 Letters
18 ___ Jin-won Oscar-winning screenwriter for Parasite 3 Letters
19 Kind of rocket that launches satellites 5 Letters
20 Crunchy chocolaty smoothie add-ins 9 Letters
21 ___ Larsen Harlem Renaissance novelist 5 Letters
22 Leering sorts 6 Letters
23 Hairstyles celebrated in the Black Is Beautiful movement 5 Letters
24 Feels for 6 Letters
25 River through Bristol England 4 Letters
26 Feeling associated with the color red 5 Letters
27 Middle of a date 3 Letters
28 Unguarded 4 Letters
29 Niche product of Coca-Cola and 7Up 10 Letters
30 Teacup 4 Letters
31 [This might come in handy later ...] 10 Letters
32 Hill workers 4 Letters
33 Big Board inits. 4 Letters
34 Like some high expectations 5 Letters
35 Group that had a 40-year gap between its two most recent studio albums (1981-2021) 4 Letters
36 Study study study! 4 Letters
37 Word with cow or Communion 4 Letters
38 Lion : pride :: ___ : parliament 3 Letters
39 Snap crackle or pop 12 Letters
40 Ties 5 Letters
41 Days of Grace memoirist 1993 4 Letters
42 Providers of college courses? 9 Letters
43 Term of ___ 3 Letters
44 Common but often counterproductive response to a recurring problem 11 Letters
45 What a button mushroom becomes when it matures 10 Letters
46 Thelma & Louise auto informally 5 Letters
47 Rikishi's sport 4 Letters
48 Inexperienced gamers in slang 5 Letters
49 2010s satirical reality series starring comedian Fielder 12 Letters
50 They may be dry or dirty 11 Letters
51 Abbott and Costello in the film Arrival informally 3 Letters
52 Title Toni Morrison character who lives in the Bottom 4 Letters
53 Calculated 10 Letters
54 Many Fertile Crescent residents 5 Letters
55 Covert field? 3 Letters
56 Cookie brand whose name is stylized with an exclamation point 9 Letters
57 Do the Right Thing pizzeria 4 Letters
58 Org. whose workers usually wear gloves 3 Letters
59 Once called 3 Letters
60 Turn away 5 Letters
61 Chef Jacques ___ holder of 16 James Beard awards 5 Letters
62 Nod say 5 Letters
63 N.Y.C. attraction 4 Letters
64 Pro sports team named for some of its equipment 4 Letters
65 Elegy e.g. 4 Letters
66 What an orange dot might indicate in a chat 4 Letters
67 Only U.S. president other than J.F.K. to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery 4 Letters
68 Fareed Zakaria's channel 3 Letters
69 Target of some phishing scams: Abbr. 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Very large Australian bird 4 Letters
5 Large crested bird 9 Letters
6 New Zealand rail 4 Letters
7 Ground-dwelling parrot 6 Letters
8 Fastest-running bird 7 Letters
9 Bird rediscovered in 1948 6 Letters
10 King or Emperor bird 7 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Hatchet job 11 Letters
2 Fit for sale 10 Letters
3 Time away from work 7 Letters
4 Tool to hold the line 10 Letters
5 Salesperson's cut 10 Letters
6 So as to cause upset 11 Letters
7 Deep sea creature 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Rodeo rope 6 Letters
2 Key Take Five quality 9 Letters
3 Make famous forever 11 Letters
4 Lakers legend O'Neal 4 Letters
5 Popular vote 10 Letters
6 One who undertakes a journey 8 Letters
7 Lowest possible level 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Tropical storms 8 Letters
2 Like Robinson Crusoe 11 Letters
3 In an optimistic way 9 Letters
4 Well source 11 Letters
5 Lifted as one's spirits 6 Letters
6 Small pulpy fruit 5 Letters
7 Motley miscellaneous medley 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Second marriage 6 Letters
2 Cockney and Creole 8 Letters
3 They do it just for laughs 9 Letters
4 Given to making plans 8 Letters
5 Wedding 8 Letters
6 Language akin to Indonesian 8 Letters
7 Australian dragon 7 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.