Pirate's favorite sound

Pirate's favorite sound crossword clue answer contains 3 letters and has been last seen on March 16 2025 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: ARR

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 My Big ___ Greek Wedding 3 Letters
2 Quiet down! 3 Letters
3 Get older 3 Letters
4 Fireplace remnant 3 Letters
5 Green round vegetable in a pod 3 Letters
6 Soda container 3 Letters
7 Through in a flight plan 3 Letters
8 Actress Adams of Enchanted 3 Letters
9 Standardized exam 4 Letters
10 Monsters ___. (2001 Pixar film) 3 Letters
11 I'll take that as ___: 2 wds. 3 Letters
12 Are we there ___? 3 Letters
13 ___-up (annoying advertisement) 3 Letters
14 Competition where you aim to finish first and a word that goes with 36a 53a 4d 15d and 39d 4 Letters
15 ___ mic night 4 Letters
16 Note after Mi 3 Letters
17 Canada's neighbor: Abbr. 3 Letters
18 ___ Luthor Superman's nemesis 3 Letters
19 Shivering sound 3 Letters
20 ___ pal (girlfriend) 3 Letters
21 Ctrl-___-Del 3 Letters
22 Type of 23a when you're on a tight deadline 4 Letters
23 Month of International Women's Day for short 3 Letters
24 Farming implement 3 Letters
25 Suffix opposite of post 3 Letters
26 Ride-booking app 4 Letters
27 Horse pace 4 Letters
28 Actress Moore of G.I. Jane 4 Letters
29 Way back when 3 Letters
30 Type of 23a indicating a competition for money 3 Letters
31 Student score system: Abbr. 3 Letters
32 August follower for short 3 Letters
33 Not domestic for short 3 Letters
34 Letter sequence repeated in Einstein 3 Letters
35 ___ Fuzz 2007 buddy cop film 3 Letters
36 Most liked for short 3 Letters
37 ___ was saying ...: 2 wds. 3 Letters
38 Bangkok cuisine 4 Letters
39 Type of 23a when countries attempted to get mankind on the moon 5 Letters
40 Sewn cloth end 3 Letters
41 Make ___ while the sun shines 3 Letters
42 Highest or lowest playing card 3 Letters
43 Dentist's laughing matter? 3 Letters
44 Tolkien tree creature 3 Letters
45 Type of 23a where people compete to stand above their rivals 3 Letters
46 Bill ___ the Science Guy 3 Letters
47 Highest point 4 Letters
48 French no 3 Letters
49 Troll fee? 4 Letters
50 Mini carpet 3 Letters
51 Actor Butterfield of Sex Education 3 Letters
52 What comes before the storm 4 Letters
53 Hamster or snake e.g. 3 Letters
54 The X-Files organization: Abbr. 3 Letters
55 Bicep site 3 Letters
56 ___ you kidding? 3 Letters
57 Polo or crew neck e.g. 3 Letters
58 Appropriate 3 Letters
59 Type of 23a that stands for the collective of Homo sapiens 5 Letters
60 ___-Wan Kenobi 3 Letters
61 Tense end of the seat? 4 Letters
62 Itchy patch of skin often red 4 Letters
63 Prefix seen with state or color 3 Letters
64 Competed in 23a say 3 Letters
65 Netflix or Hulu e.g.: Abbr. 3 Letters
66 Prefix with pen or center 3 Letters
67 College course that rocks for short 3 Letters
68 Choose 3 Letters


If you enjoy crossword puzzles, word finds, and anagram games, you're going to love 7 Little Words! Each bite-size puzzle consists of 7 clues, 7 mystery words, and 20 letter groups. Find the mystery words by deciphering the clues and combining the letter groups. 7 Little Words is FUN, CHALLENGING, and EASY TO LEARN. We guarantee you've never played anything like it before. Give 7 Little Words a try today! From the creators of Moxie, Monkey Wrench, and Red Herring.

Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Checked item 7 Letters
5 Like event food often 7 Letters
6 Government's representatives 11 Letters
7 Barraged with excess stimuli 11 Letters
8 It's about 28 grams 5 Letters
9 Like a good defense 5 Letters
10 2X BAFTA nominee Miller 6 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Exist just below the surface 7 Letters
2 Show to be valid 9 Letters
3 Stepped on the scale 7 Letters
4 Financial outlays 8 Letters
5 Wasteful 11 Letters
6 Bulbous root vegetables 7 Letters
7 Where to insert a car key 8 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Insurance coverage perhaps 10 Letters
2 Diet and exercise plan 7 Letters
3 Devalued 9 Letters
4 A groundhog is one 6 Letters
5 Be prepared for one 5 Letters
6 Skateboarder's wear 7 Letters
7 Incontestable 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Written phone message 4 Letters
2 Antitrust act's namesake 7 Letters
3 They keep a horse focused 8 Letters
4 Swimmer with barbels 7 Letters
5 In a dainty manner 10 Letters
6 Tethering 11 Letters
7 Unnecessary indulgences 8 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Combine into one unit 11 Letters
2 Scout out 11 Letters
3 Canadian singer Leonard 5 Letters
4 Finnish bath 5 Letters
5 Person to be avoided 6 Letters
6 It tells a paper's view 9 Letters
7 Remove from the pack 4 Letters
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