Perlman who played Barbies creator in 2023

Perlman who played Barbies creator in 2023 crossword clue answer contains 4 letters and has been last seen on October 1 2024 as part of LA Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: RHEA

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Pop star Lady __ 4 Letters
2 Picture puzzle 5 Letters
3 Ooze 4 Letters
4 Travel without a destination 4 Letters
5 Ivy in Philly 5 Letters
6 24/7 cash devices 4 Letters
7 *Scoop 10 Letters
8 Loving actress Ruth 5 Letters
9 Argentine aunt 3 Letters
10 Meager 5 Letters
11 *One in a chain west of mainland Greece 12 Letters
12 Alias indicator 3 Letters
13 Concert device 3 Letters
14 Upcycles say 6 Letters
15 Gentle suggestion 4 Letters
16 __ Beta Kappa 3 Letters
17 Tonsils-checking doc 3 Letters
18 *I like the way you think 15 Letters
19 Sonny 3 Letters
20 My Chemical Romance genre 3 Letters
21 Actor Weathers 4 Letters
22 Transferred as property 6 Letters
23 Ga. capital 3 Letters
24 Sewer scurrier 3 Letters
25 *Medium for a junior coder 12 Letters
26 Cookout spot 5 Letters
27 Third key in a reboot sequence 3 Letters
28 Not exactly casually 5 Letters
29 Yale students 4 Letters
30 Startling revelations or what the answers to the starred clues have phonetically 10 Letters
31 Zipped along 4 Letters
32 Large water lily 5 Letters
33 Morales of NYPD Blue 4 Letters
34 Got wiser hopefully 4 Letters
35 Stubbornly old-fashioned 5 Letters
36 Retired fast fliers: Abbr. 4 Letters
37 Smile 4 Letters
38 First-class 4 Letters
39 Planet largely composed of helium and hydrogen 8 Letters
40 Chum 5 Letters
41 Edgar Allan Poes The Murders in the __ Morgue 3 Letters
42 Finish lines? 8 Letters
43 Country formally known as Dahomey 5 Letters
44 Biased 6 Letters
45 __-cone 3 Letters
46 Cutting as some remarks 9 Letters
47 Odorless gas 6 Letters
48 Corrects 6 Letters
49 Prep exam with a high score of 1520 4 Letters
50 SNL alum Carvey 4 Letters
51 Hurled 5 Letters
52 Blocks 7 Letters
53 [More details below] 7 Letters
54 Yellowfin tuna 3 Letters
55 Kith and __ 3 Letters
56 On the air 9 Letters
57 Suburban suffix 3 Letters
58 Music source in a car 5 Letters
59 Just sold my last one 8 Letters
60 Lack of light 8 Letters
61 Time period 3 Letters
62 Second key in a reboot sequence 3 Letters
63 __ box: interactive window 6 Letters
64 Complete 6 Letters
65 Skeptical question perhaps 6 Letters
66 Show appreciation on Facebook 4 Letters
67 Borscht need 5 Letters
68 Dressed to the __ 5 Letters
69 Activist org. with a rabbit in its logo 4 Letters
70 Curses! 4 Letters
71 eBay caveat 4 Letters
72 Will Ferrell holiday film 3 Letters
73 Therapists maj. 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Demoted in a way 9 Letters
5 Business outfits 9 Letters
6 Verdi opera set in Egypt 4 Letters
7 Water rescue tool 8 Letters
8 Giant ice cube 4 Letters
9 Lowbush blueberry fields 7 Letters
10 Deflating news for a tire 8 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Does some angling 6 Letters
2 Suggest 6 Letters
3 They may be overridden 6 Letters
4 Finished! 4 Letters
5 People who study Latin 11 Letters
6 Campers' illumination 8 Letters
7 Lowermost building areas 9 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 It made the Rodeo 5 Letters
2 Variety of computer mouse 9 Letters
3 Gentlemen's opposite numbers 6 Letters
4 Ford pony cars 8 Letters
5 In an enticing way 11 Letters
6 Speaking excitedly 8 Letters
7 Intimidate 5 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Sweater named after an earl 8 Letters
2 Minimum marker 8 Letters
3 Relating to the lung tubes 9 Letters
4 Made empty conversation 8 Letters
5 Credit problem 4 Letters
6 Tall grass 7 Letters
7 Tomato-based chowder 9 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Crooked San Francisco street 7 Letters
2 Knife sharpener 8 Letters
3 On time 6 Letters
4 Varnish for example 7 Letters
5 Purple gemstone 9 Letters
6 Convincing evidence 5 Letters
7 Not eligible to play 8 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.