Orchestra woodwind

Orchestra woodwind crossword clue answer contains 5 letters and has been last seen on September 10 2024 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: DEGAS

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Cause of a Richter scale blip 5 Letters
2 Fixed look 4 Letters
3 Curved sword 5 Letters
4 One referring to Jehovah as Jah 5 Letters
5 Place for a pizza 4 Letters
6 Make You Feel My Love singer 2008 5 Letters
7 Around 70% of the earth's surface 5 Letters
8 Rule for kids before homework is done perhaps 4 Letters
9 What makes ryes rise 5 Letters
10 Straightforward and unadorned as literary prose 14 Letters
11 Close the tab 3 Letters
12 Baton Rouge sch. 3 Letters
13 Corporate management group 14 Letters
14 Celebrant in May or June 4 Letters
15 First name in 2024 political headlines 6 Letters
16 Overflow (with) 4 Letters
17 Shot down as an idea 5 Letters
18 San ___ Obispo Calif. 4 Letters
19 Get your paws off me! 5 Letters
20 Highest kicker in Texas hold'em 3 Letters
21 Philadelphia landmark named for the 35th president in brief 8 Letters
22 Lamb's dad 3 Letters
23 Green sushi condiment 6 Letters
24 Spanish wife 6 Letters
25 Group whose members are represented completely (with no repeats) in 21- 26- and 43-Across 10 Letters
26 Fake it 'til you make it or No pain no gain 5 Letters
27 Candy bar with caramel and shortbread 4 Letters
28 Gunslinger Earp 5 Letters
29 Give or take 5 Letters
30 Pro's counterpart 4 Letters
31 Blood of the gods in Greek mythology 5 Letters
32 Holy scroll 5 Letters
33 Plant with fronds 4 Letters
34 Have you no ___?! 5 Letters
35 Pumps and wedges 5 Letters
36 Animal that absorbs water directly through its skin 4 Letters
37 Beekeeping or baking e.g. 5 Letters
38 No more seats sign 3 Letters
39 Apiece 4 Letters
40 That makes sense now 4 Letters
41 What a rush! 4 Letters
42 Total madman 5 Letters
43 Instrument with a mallet 4 Letters
44 Assert 4 Letters
45 Z as in Zeus 5 Letters
46 Emotion that sounds like its middle two letters 4 Letters
47 States as fact 8 Letters
48 Good enough 6 Letters
49 Male suitor 6 Letters
50 If's partner in computer logic 8 Letters
51 No longer working: Abbr. 4 Letters
52 Three Stooges laugh sound 3 Letters
53 Island on which Napoleon was exiled 4 Letters
54 Novelist Jong 4 Letters
55 Basic plot lines? 5 Letters
56 Speaker's event 4 Letters
57 That's my cue! 4 Letters
58 Ski resort in the Colorado Rockies 5 Letters
59 Creator of the giant snowman Marshmallow in Frozen 4 Letters
60 Cool in a throwback sort of way 4 Letters
61 Impressionist Edgar 5 Letters
62 Emulate a beaver 4 Letters
63 Cultural attraction in midtown Manhattan for short 4 Letters
64 Workspaces for some nightclub performers 5 Letters
65 Deathbed request 4 Letters
66 Dolphin's fluke e.g. 3 Letters
67 Meditative state 6 Letters
68 Genuine 8 Letters
69 Hitchcock's highest-grossing film at the box office 8 Letters
70 Collection of employees 6 Letters
71 Pet's person 4 Letters
72 The N of TNT 5 Letters
73 Hewing 4 Letters
74 Subject that a young Einstein never failed despite the common misconception 4 Letters
75 Raced (through) 4 Letters
76 Whale pursuer of fiction 3 Letters
77 Pyramid for a pharaoh 4 Letters
78 Three-pointer in hoops lingo 4 Letters


If you enjoy crossword puzzles, word finds, and anagram games, you're going to love 7 Little Words! Each bite-size puzzle consists of 7 clues, 7 mystery words, and 20 letter groups. Find the mystery words by deciphering the clues and combining the letter groups. 7 Little Words is FUN, CHALLENGING, and EASY TO LEARN. We guarantee you've never played anything like it before. Give 7 Little Words a try today! From the creators of Moxie, Monkey Wrench, and Red Herring.

Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Place to doodle 7 Letters
5 Greek philosopher 8 Letters
6 Inferior imitator 7 Letters
7 Bolivian capital 5 Letters
8 Square 8 Letters
9 Finger bones to a doctor 9 Letters
10 Accorded 4 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Treatment 8 Letters
2 City on the Paraguay River 8 Letters
3 Childlike artlessness 7 Letters
4 Driving accompaniment 10 Letters
5 Salvation 10 Letters
6 Ornamental vine 8 Letters
7 Urbane 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Giving a shock 7 Letters
2 Of a certain heart part 6 Letters
3 Young boy 6 Letters
4 Dodge 8 Letters
5 Slammed a basketball 6 Letters
6 Immoral 8 Letters
7 Hole in the head 5 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Musical intervals 7 Letters
2 Capital of Uganda 7 Letters
3 Like some fried rings 6 Letters
4 ATMs dispense them 8 Letters
5 Platitude 6 Letters
6 In no uncertain terms 10 Letters
7 Slip 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Oak tree wannabees 6 Letters
2 Beam collector 9 Letters
3 Wagnerian title role 6 Letters
4 Tom of Dukes of Hazzard 5 Letters
5 Juli Inkster's tour 4 Letters
6 Frankenstein's workplace 10 Letters
7 Tallest of the Rockies 6 Letters
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