Landlocked African country

Landlocked African country crossword clue answer contains 5 letters and has been last seen on December 30 2024 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: ADAGE

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Brainy 5 Letters
2 Wacky 4 Letters
3 Desktop computer that might run Sonoma or Sequoia 4 Letters
4 Choir member 5 Letters
5 Writer Wiesel 4 Letters
6 Forbidden 4 Letters
7 Waiter's imperative after bringing food 5 Letters
8 Flower that reflects yellow when held under one's chin 9 Letters
9 It might have a twist or hole 4 Letters
10 What a sleeve covers 3 Letters
11 Don't worry about me! 6 Letters
12 Primitive timer 9 Letters
13 Surface for doing exercises 3 Letters
14 Globes 4 Letters
15 Going out romantically 7 Letters
16 #1 pal 6 Letters
17 Language suffix 3 Letters
18 Father 4 Letters
19 Music genre prefix 3 Letters
20 N.F.L. all-star game 7 Letters
21 Texter's reaction to a joke 3 Letters
22 Some beers 4 Letters
23 Bathroom fixture 3 Letters
24 Clinks a glass and gives a speech to 6 Letters
25 Indian pastries with savory fillings 7 Letters
26 Obnoxious person informally 4 Letters
27 All you need is love and a ___ (old saying) 3 Letters
28 Place for policy wonks 9 Letters
29 Huge to-dos 6 Letters
30 Sounds good! 3 Letters
31 Norse god of war and death 4 Letters
32 Make logical sense ... or what the ends of 18- 23- 38- and 51-Across do 9 Letters
33 Grammarian's concern 5 Letters
34 Troubles 4 Letters
35 Number of planets before Pluto was demoted 4 Letters
36 Food item that might come with lox 5 Letters
37 El ___ Tex. 4 Letters
38 Exhausted metaphorically 4 Letters
39 Put forth as effort 5 Letters
40 Basketball star Curry 5 Letters
41 ___ Park location of Edison's first major laboratory 4 Letters
42 Type of pear 4 Letters
43 Plant affliction that's below ground 5 Letters
44 Attempt 4 Letters
45 Creatures that are actually black with white stripes 4 Letters
46 What grads become 5 Letters
47 Tiny complaint 9 Letters
48 Abominable Snowman 7 Letters
49 Advances 7 Letters
50 Shirley Temple and Virgin Bloody Mary for two 3 Letters
51 H2O in Mexico 4 Letters
52 I understand you 4 Letters
53 Character described by Austen as a heroine whom no one but myself will much like 7 Letters
54 Canadian province that's home to the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump World Heritage Site 4 Letters
55 Grasp tightly 6 Letters
56 Meh 4 Letters
57 Units of force 3 Letters
58 Gait faster than a walk but slower than a canter 5 Letters
59 Snakelike fish 3 Letters
60 Sheep sounds 5 Letters
61 Enchanted girl in a Gail Carson Levine book 3 Letters
62 Biomedical building blocks 4 Letters
63 Recede as the tide 6 Letters
64 Remove from office 4 Letters
65 Cry made while pointing 7 Letters
66 No-goodnik 4 Letters
67 Jazz combo instrument 4 Letters
68 Dish served from a crockpot 3 Letters
69 In stacks like a wedding cake 7 Letters
70 Evil hench-animal in The Lion King 7 Letters
71 The early bird gets the worm for one 9 Letters
72 Prepared to propose 4 Letters
73 Wish for a romantic pairing between in modern parlance 4 Letters
74 Pepsi or Coke 5 Letters
75 Contents of a 23-Across 4 Letters
76 How to ___ a ___ (common tutorial topic) 4 Letters
77 Purple yam common in Filipino cooking 5 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Voicemail recordings 8 Letters
5 Constantly complain 4 Letters
6 In a legal manner 7 Letters
7 Wail from a police car 5 Letters
8 Start of a musical measure 8 Letters
9 Norway's biggest city 4 Letters
10 Stopped replying to 7 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Bypasses 11 Letters
2 Earth tone 5 Letters
3 One allowed to build say 9 Letters
4 1/60th of a degree 6 Letters
5 Hems in 8 Letters
6 Rush headlong 6 Letters
7 Person's bearing 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 English county 5 Letters
2 Left in the dust 6 Letters
3 In battle 7 Letters
4 Aggressive job recruiting 11 Letters
5 Alien counterparts 10 Letters
6 Makes more resilient 8 Letters
7 Common name for borage 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Wild Eurasian sheep 7 Letters
2 Set in 8 Letters
3 A place to start 6 Letters
4 Completely dissipated 9 Letters
5 Coffeeshop worker 7 Letters
6 Betrothed 9 Letters
7 Current events films 9 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Hodgepodge 7 Letters
2 Looking at 8 Letters
3 Light greenish blue 10 Letters
4 Like scheming footballers 7 Letters
5 Make a new plan for 8 Letters
6 India neighbor 6 Letters
7 Growing by accumulation 9 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.