Kids might be given these with crayons

Kids might be given these with crayons crossword clue answer contains 9 letters and has been last seen on January 6 2025 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: CATHEDRAL

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Supersonic speed number 4 Letters
2 Cookies that are sometimes dunked in milk 5 Letters
3 Whole lot 4 Letters
4 Cousin of a clarinet 4 Letters
5 What duty-free means 5 Letters
6 Westover with the best-selling memoir Educated 4 Letters
7 Theatrical description 15 Letters
8 Position of greatest stress 7 Letters
9 Campbell's Soup Cans painter 6 Letters
10 ___ longa vita brevis 3 Letters
11 Iditarod entries 5 Letters
12 Follower of double-you ex wye 3 Letters
13 Dog crossbreed known for its teddy bear appearance 12 Letters
14 Recovered from a fall 5 Letters
15 Modern anxiety source in brief 4 Letters
16 Small cove 3 Letters
17 Applications 4 Letters
18 Sandwiches that often contain tuna 5 Letters
19 Overnight ___ (breakfast option) 4 Letters
20 Brewery offering 3 Letters
21 Crimson Tide univ. 4 Letters
22 Large cove 5 Letters
23 Track exposures to a disease as an epidemiologist might 12 Letters
24 Hosp. V.I.P.s 3 Letters
25 Note on a failed test maybe 5 Letters
26 Ball club V.I.P.s 3 Letters
27 Valiant 6 Letters
28 Amy who voiced Joy in Inside Out 7 Letters
29 Use deductive reasoning ... or a hint to what 17- 27- and 43-Across all have 15 Letters
30 Proctor's cry at the end of a test 4 Letters
31 South Korea's second-largest city 5 Letters
32 Actor Esparza 4 Letters
33 Calf's meat 4 Letters
34 Stretch of work 5 Letters
35 Custom gift site 4 Letters
36 Chocolaty coffee drink 5 Letters
37 Despise 4 Letters
38 Nail polish layers 4 Letters
39 His and ___ 5 Letters
40 Available if needed 4 Letters
41 Went bad 4 Letters
42 Saison of the 2024 Paris Olympics 5 Letters
43 Rower's blade 9 Letters
44 Annual festival in Austin Tex. 4 Letters
45 Sound system 3 Letters
46 Paris's Notre-Dame for one 6 Letters
47 West Coast gas brand 5 Letters
48 Roald who wrote Matilda and The BFG 5 Letters
49 The Tortoise and the Hare author 6 Letters
50 Instrument that may be included in a birthday goodie bag 3 Letters
51 Take down as a bouncy house 4 Letters
52 Arrogant sort 6 Letters
53 Gloomy fellow 4 Letters
54 Chats with on Insta 3 Letters
55 Lo-cal 3 Letters
56 Toward the sunrise 7 Letters
57 One layer in a seven-layer dip informally 3 Letters
58 Norway's capital 3 Letters
59 Riverdale or XO Kitty 4 Letters
60 ___ and cheese 6 Letters
61 Ambulance personnel in brief 4 Letters
62 Start of a count 3 Letters
63 >7 on the pH scale 6 Letters
64 Colorful summer drinks 5 Letters
65 Gardener's tool 5 Letters
66 Come up with a new schedule 6 Letters
67 Quantity 3 Letters
68 Show bad sportsmanship in a way 4 Letters
69 r u kidding?! 5 Letters
70 Flat-screen say 4 Letters
71 Scary-sounding Great Lake 4 Letters
72 Corn waste 5 Letters
73 Bring on as workers 4 Letters
74 Pecan or pistachio 4 Letters
75 CBS procedural that ran for 15 seasons 5 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Animal in Ralph Lauren logo 5 Letters
5 Taylor Swift and Billy Idol 9 Letters
6 The N in UNICEF 7 Letters
7 Coyotes and hyenas 10 Letters
8 Infatuated 7 Letters
9 Smelled a rat 9 Letters
10 Like the hypotenuse 8 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Late for class 5 Letters
2 Arnold Schwarzenegger's kid 9 Letters
3 Croakers 5 Letters
4 One of the five senses 5 Letters
5 Program loader 9 Letters
6 Business get-togethers 11 Letters
7 Pass on as information 5 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Having a chat 10 Letters
2 Genuine 9 Letters
3 Answer to a question 10 Letters
4 Winter road clearer 8 Letters
5 South Pacific composer 7 Letters
6 Free-standing closets 8 Letters
7 Waggery 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Having adjustable slats 8 Letters
2 Alabama city 10 Letters
3 Growth period 11 Letters
4 Mexican turnovers 9 Letters
5 Boston NHL player 5 Letters
6 Happening to 9 Letters
7 Law enforcers 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Utter bitter complaints 4 Letters
2 Chastise 7 Letters
3 Developed useful contacts 9 Letters
4 Major Los Angeles boulevard 8 Letters
5 Fish hawks 7 Letters
6 Gumby's nemeses 10 Letters
7 Small Central African state 6 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.