___ intended!

___ intended! crossword clue answer contains 5 letters and has been last seen on January 22 2025 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: NOPUN

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Org. of the main characters in The Americans 3 Letters
2 What might rain down on opposing players 4 Letters
3 Words before Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope 6 Letters
4 Drum location 3 Letters
5 ___-Seltzer 4 Letters
6 Gamer's likeness 6 Letters
7 It follows ka in the Spanish alphabet 3 Letters
8 500 sheets of paper 4 Letters
9 Barbershop stock 6 Letters
10 Jay Gatsby to Nick Carraway? 12 Letters
11 Puffs 5 Letters
12 Move slightly 5 Letters
13 Many '90s music purchases 3 Letters
14 Chooses 4 Letters
15 Company that once sold the Magic 8 Ball 4 Letters
16 Kipling or Keats 4 Letters
17 Mare/hare pair? 13 Letters
18 Spain and Portugal 6 Letters
19 Steakhouse order 6 Letters
20 Horse-drawn party vehicle? 13 Letters
21 Cuckoo 4 Letters
22 The A of U.A.E. 4 Letters
23 Morning TV host Kelly 4 Letters
24 Animal that sounds like you? 3 Letters
25 Sneaky schemes 5 Letters
26 Tennis format … or a description of some of the letters in 20- 31- and 38-Across 12 Letters
27 Noted name in suits 6 Letters
28 Yaks 4 Letters
29 Feeling induced by a total eclipse perhaps 3 Letters
30 Grinned broadly 6 Letters
31 The grand slam of showbiz 4 Letters
32 Souvenir for a Final Four team 3 Letters
33 Box up 6 Letters
34 Takes in 4 Letters
35 ___ Moines 3 Letters
36 Stick with 6 Letters
37 Racehorse's gait 6 Letters
38 Get a party going 11 Letters
39 Zingers 5 Letters
40 Butter alternative 4 Letters
41 Well see ya! 7 Letters
42 Italian anise-flavored liqueur 7 Letters
43 Feature of golf and rugby but not gymnastics or luge? 5 Letters
44 Dodge 5 Letters
45 Having little hustle 4 Letters
46 Bankable vacation for short 3 Letters
47 Tarnish 3 Letters
48 Hosp. areas 3 Letters
49 Just tell me which it is! 7 Letters
50 Japanese noodle 4 Letters
51 Locale of the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest 11 Letters
52 Refute 4 Letters
53 Eye irritation 4 Letters
54 Former Taiwanese president ___ Ing-wen 4 Letters
55 Eats that pair well with beer 7 Letters
56 Former N.B.A. star Smits the Dunking Dutchman 3 Letters
57 Wallop 4 Letters
58 1988 film for which Tom Hanks received his first Oscar nomination 3 Letters
59 Not doing anything 4 Letters
60 Part of your body that might be furrowed or raised 4 Letters
61 Back of the neck 4 Letters
62 They are sometimes held too long 7 Letters
63 Item in a first-aid kit 7 Letters
64 Humorous nickname for the largest player on your baseball team 6 Letters
65 Strengths 6 Letters
66 Dressed to the ___ 5 Letters
67 See 50-Down 5 Letters
68 Develops iron 49-Down 5 Letters
69 Fairy tale bear who apparently liked cold porridge and soft chairs 4 Letters
70 Thin woodwind 4 Letters
71 19th-century presidential nickname 3 Letters
72 Stimpy's cartoon friend 3 Letters
73 ___ and cheese 3 Letters


If you enjoy crossword puzzles, word finds, and anagram games, you're going to love 7 Little Words! Each bite-size puzzle consists of 7 clues, 7 mystery words, and 20 letter groups. Find the mystery words by deciphering the clues and combining the letter groups. 7 Little Words is FUN, CHALLENGING, and EASY TO LEARN. We guarantee you've never played anything like it before. Give 7 Little Words a try today! From the creators of Moxie, Monkey Wrench, and Red Herring.

Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Smith the Eleventh Doctor 4 Letters
5 Took a count of 8 Letters
6 Checked cloth pattern 11 Letters
7 Sparkly quality 9 Letters
8 Cool down 5 Letters
9 Toothpaste flavor 10 Letters
10 Quiet hum 4 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Help make a basket 6 Letters
2 Moves upward 5 Letters
3 In a stubborn manner 11 Letters
4 Foresaw 9 Letters
5 Photo finish option 5 Letters
6 Constrained as one's style 7 Letters
7 Gave in under pressure 5 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Defender of the Alamo 8 Letters
2 Bubbles 5 Letters
3 Bestow 4 Letters
4 Braided ropes 5 Letters
5 Southwest Indiana city 10 Letters
6 Album filled with memories 9 Letters
7 Struck with the foot 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Hesitate reluctantly 4 Letters
2 British peers 8 Letters
3 Hair goo 6 Letters
4 Buzzing biter 8 Letters
5 Transfer to lower division 10 Letters
6 Beech leaf shape 5 Letters
7 Like a celeb's lifestyle 9 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Flew a plane 7 Letters
2 Christie character Poirot 7 Letters
3 Ceremonial activities 7 Letters
4 Fraction of a franc 7 Letters
5 Loud type of match 8 Letters
6 Cartoon genre of Japan 5 Letters
7 Makes blue 9 Letters
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