How to turn down a Hamburger

How to turn down a Hamburger crossword clue answer contains 4 letters and has been last seen on January 18 2025 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: NEIN

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Famous palindrome starter 15 Letters
2 Is there more? 15 Letters
3 It can be infectious after Thanksgiving 15 Letters
4 Coloring sometimes confused with dun 4 Letters
5 Female rapper with the 2008 hit Paper Planes 3 Letters
6 Makes a move 4 Letters
7 Lead-in to day way or more 3 Letters
8 Love interest of Peter in the Spider-Man universe 4 Letters
9 Informal preposition 3 Letters
10 Fish with a shy-sounding name 3 Letters
11 It's the word 3 Letters
12 ___-Cat 3 Letters
13 One of 12 for Katharine Hepburn 15 Letters
14 Dish that's different from its cousins by the inclusion of potatoes 15 Letters
15 Catchers of waves 15 Letters
16 Vein output 3 Letters
17 Constellation with the star Regulus 3 Letters
18 Informal hookups 3 Letters
19 Half a candy bar? 3 Letters
20 Reasonable 4 Letters
21 Initials for a 20th-century president (and his wife) 3 Letters
22 Avian symbol of good fortune in Celtic culture 4 Letters
23 Throne 3 Letters
24 Uncover 4 Letters
25 Hit 1976 album whose title track won the Grammy for Record of the Year 15 Letters
26 Yogi Berra or Joe DiMaggio e.g. 15 Letters
27 Sent out feelers so to speak 15 Letters
28 City that's the heart of Africa's art scene per National Geographic 5 Letters
29 Capital and second-largest city of Minorca 5 Letters
30 Range 5 Letters
31 They share keys with 2's 3 Letters
32 Nursery purchase 3 Letters
33 I can handle this! 5 Letters
34 ___ LeRoy Locke Father of the Harlem Renaissance 5 Letters
35 Org. with a climate research program 4 Letters
36 Required safety feature on cars in brief 3 Letters
37 13-Down e.g. 3 Letters
38 It preceded Calibri as Microsoft's default font 5 Letters
39 Kilo finder 4 Letters
40 Plugging away 4 Letters
41 Some do-overs 4 Letters
42 Chest-beating sort 7 Letters
43 Kate who won an Academy Award for The Reader 7 Letters
44 On the right radio frequency 7 Letters
45 Cry after a close shave 7 Letters
46 Memorable title role of a 1941 film 4 Letters
47 Handy person? 4 Letters
48 Dark Lord of the ___ (Star Wars title) 4 Letters
49 Pay attention to 4 Letters
50 Stack of Monopoly bills 4 Letters
51 Scapola o femore 4 Letters
52 Go a couple of rounds 4 Letters
53 ___ Tiernan author of the Immortal Beloved trilogy 4 Letters
54 Largest tributary of the Mississippi 4 Letters
55 Wisecrack 3 Letters
56 Novelist Gerritsen 4 Letters
57 Showed respect or submission in a way 5 Letters
58 Arabic for prayer 5 Letters
59 Netflix category 5 Letters
60 Long weapon 5 Letters
61 Pipe material 5 Letters
62 Jimmy Carter was the first president regularly seen in these 5 Letters
63 Slightest amount 4 Letters
64 ___ learning 4 Letters
65 Some travelers' concerns in brief 4 Letters
66 Lingo 4 Letters
67 Person partial to humour? 4 Letters
68 Golfer's concern 3 Letters
69 Scoundrel 3 Letters
70 Handful 3 Letters
71 ___ pro nobis 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 College applicant's goal 10 Letters
5 Courageous 8 Letters
6 Like a healthy meal 9 Letters
7 Prominent Lincoln feature 5 Letters
8 Circa 5 Letters
9 Like a wet muddy dog 10 Letters
10 Sound of a bag of chips 7 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Like American expansion 8 Letters
2 Hole count on a golf course 8 Letters
3 Attempt to put out as fire 7 Letters
4 North Sea flatfish 4 Letters
5 US president after Truman 10 Letters
6 Practicing a scene 10 Letters
7 Use fingerpaints e.g. 5 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Holds tight 6 Letters
2 Country south of Finland 7 Letters
3 Grunting game fish 4 Letters
4 Off the wall 10 Letters
5 Concede 5 Letters
6 Stanley found him 11 Letters
7 Older ones 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Fantastic 8 Letters
2 Afraid 7 Letters
3 Like many opals 5 Letters
4 Mashing 8 Letters
5 Precede 8 Letters
6 The way the breeze blows 8 Letters
7 Placid 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Stock 9 Letters
2 Country founded by ex-slaves 7 Letters
3 Fills up 8 Letters
4 Sculpt with wood 7 Letters
5 Large unit of heat energy 11 Letters
6 Younger Jetson child 5 Letters
7 Nicks of Fleetwood Mac 6 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.