Hero of The Matrix

Hero of The Matrix crossword clue answer contains 3 letters and has been last seen on February 25 2025 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: NEO

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Bedroom outfits for short 3 Letters
2 Traffic signal's stop color 3 Letters
3 Alley-___ 3 Letters
4 Jumpscare exclamation 3 Letters
5 ...And they lived happily ___ after 4 Letters
6 Human evolutionary ancestor 3 Letters
7 Button pressed after writing an email 4 Letters
8 Take a walk down memory ___ 4 Letters
9 ___ of war not a ball sport but a rope sport where players pull on a rope and try to yank the other team over the line 3 Letters
10 Land of freedom: Abbr. 3 Letters
11 Scottish gal 4 Letters
12 Not a ball sport but a puck sport where teams try to get the puck into the other team's goal 6 Letters
13 Jim's partner in The Office 3 Letters
14 Actress Elizabeth who plays Wanda Maximoff in the Marvel Cinematic Universe 5 Letters
15 Not a ball sport but a fighting sport where people try to land punches for points over a certain amount of time 6 Letters
16 ___ chi (Chinese martial art) 3 Letters
17 Surface to wipe your feet 3 Letters
18 Not new 3 Letters
19 Grand ___ tennis achievement won by Novak Djokovic and Serena Williams 4 Letters
20 Where there are plenty of more fish 3 Letters
21 Cancel as in a contract 4 Letters
22 Where a baby is pinched with love 5 Letters
23 Headache salve say 4 Letters
24 When doubled a dance 3 Letters
25 Payback promise: Abbr. 3 Letters
26 Not a ball sport but a shuttlecork sport where players hit the cork back and forth trying to make the other side miss to win 9 Letters
27 Prefix to practice or nourished 3 Letters
28 Me ___ (also) 3 Letters
29 Slangy refusal 4 Letters
30 Streaming platform 3 Letters
31 Day of blues for short 3 Letters
32 ___ what that could be who knows? (regarding): 2 wds. 4 Letters
33 Sherlock network: Abbr. 3 Letters
34 Sloppy ___ (ground beef sandwich) 3 Letters
35 Jesus to God 3 Letters
36 Not a ball sport but a race where one player from a team runs each leg of the race passing the baton to the next running player 5 Letters
37 Actress Longoria from Desperate Housewives 3 Letters
38 Lion's nap spot 3 Letters
39 Muesli grains 4 Letters
40 Magnum ___ (artist's best work) 4 Letters
41 We need to take them down a ___ (teach someone a lesson in humility) 3 Letters
42 Chill bro 5 Letters
43 North Carolina University attended by Apple CEO Tim Cook 4 Letters
44 Political figure for short 3 Letters
45 ___ dreaming?: 2 wds. 3 Letters
46 Spicy beauty? 3 Letters
47 Crayon brand suffix 3 Letters
48 CBS crime investigation series that inspired applications for forensic science courses: Abbr. 3 Letters
49 Beer belly 3 Letters
50 Comic explosion sound say 3 Letters
51 What may be in someone else's business 4 Letters
52 Fox TV series where a group of ambitious misfits and their Spanish teacher try to make their choir club work 4 Letters
53 Are you ___ at me? (common girlfriend ask) 3 Letters
54 North or South state for short 3 Letters
55 Latin sun 3 Letters
56 Go out on a ___ (body part) 4 Letters
57 Pole ___ not ball sport but a field sport where players use a pole to help them jump over ahigh bar 5 Letters
58 Sorority letter with Omega 3 Letters
59 ___-Barbera The Flintstones co-creator 5 Letters
60 Fresh Off the ___ an American sitcom about a Taiwanese family adjusting to American society 4 Letters
61 Follow me! slangily 4 Letters
62 Texter's point of view: Abbr. 3 Letters
63 24/7 cash dispenser 3 Letters
64 Scat singing syllable 3 Letters
65 How-___ plural 3 Letters
66 Choose 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Animal in Ralph Lauren logo 5 Letters
5 Taylor Swift and Billy Idol 9 Letters
6 The N in UNICEF 7 Letters
7 Coyotes and hyenas 10 Letters
8 Infatuated 7 Letters
9 Smelled a rat 9 Letters
10 Like the hypotenuse 8 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Late for class 5 Letters
2 Arnold Schwarzenegger's kid 9 Letters
3 Croakers 5 Letters
4 One of the five senses 5 Letters
5 Program loader 9 Letters
6 Business get-togethers 11 Letters
7 Pass on as information 5 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Having a chat 10 Letters
2 Genuine 9 Letters
3 Answer to a question 10 Letters
4 Winter road clearer 8 Letters
5 South Pacific composer 7 Letters
6 Free-standing closets 8 Letters
7 Waggery 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Having adjustable slats 8 Letters
2 Alabama city 10 Letters
3 Growth period 11 Letters
4 Mexican turnovers 9 Letters
5 Boston NHL player 5 Letters
6 Happening to 9 Letters
7 Law enforcers 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Utter bitter complaints 4 Letters
2 Chastise 7 Letters
3 Developed useful contacts 9 Letters
4 Major Los Angeles boulevard 8 Letters
5 Fish hawks 7 Letters
6 Gumby's nemeses 10 Letters
7 Small Central African state 6 Letters
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