Frankie’s co-star in several beach party movies

Frankie’s co-star in several beach party movies crossword clue answer contains 7 letters and has been last seen on August 7 2024 as part of Wall Street Journal Crossword.

Possible Solution: ANNETTE

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Get some shut-eye? 5 Letters
2 The Bruins of the NCAA 4 Letters
3 Brazilian favela e.g. 4 Letters
4 Second Catholic president 5 Letters
5 Sit (down) 4 Letters
6 Morrison with a Literature Nobel 4 Letters
7 Secretive as some deals 10 Letters
8 Stout relatives? 4 Letters
9 Be extremely anxious 5 Letters
10 Motivation 5 Letters
11 Routine bit 3 Letters
12 Place for a dirty mind 11 Letters
13 Lovecraft called him his God of Fiction 3 Letters
14 Undefined amount 3 Letters
15 Imperative while operating 4 Letters
16 Small-minded 5 Letters
17 Words from a friendly bartender and a description of the ends of 17- 25- 51- and 59-Across 13 Letters
18 Super Mario dinosaur 5 Letters
19 Billing base 4 Letters
20 Part of a pronoun pair 3 Letters
21 Degree from RISD 3 Letters
22 Orchestra tuners 7 Letters
23 Annoyance while browsing 11 Letters
24 Eat in the evening 3 Letters
25 Limerick language 5 Letters
26 CVS Health subsidiary 5 Letters
27 Neck part 4 Letters
28 Go ballistic 10 Letters
29 Taiwanese computer brand 4 Letters
30 My Life as ___ (Joyce Carol Oates novel) 4 Letters
31 Springfield e.g. 5 Letters
32 It’s in the eye of the beholder 4 Letters
33 Yarn 4 Letters
34 No longer hungry 5 Letters
35 Doctor Who airer 3 Letters
36 Beginning for rappers Wayne Kim and Jon 3 Letters
37 Words at the altar 3 Letters
38 Capone’s nemesis 4 Letters
39 I was right! 6 Letters
40 Software download sometimes 6 Letters
41 Makeup of some bolts 5 Letters
42 Head abroad? 3 Letters
43 First full mo. of DST 3 Letters
44 Get underway 5 Letters
45 Nabokov novel 6 Letters
46 Irregular 6 Letters
47 1987 Stephen King book 6 Letters
48 Nick’s cousin? 4 Letters
49 As a result of 5 Letters
50 Protostar makeup 3 Letters
51 Opposed to 4 Letters
52 Tiny pest 4 Letters
53 Saber’s kin 4 Letters
54 Roman Empire invader 4 Letters
55 Site with talented creators and curators 4 Letters
56 Golden ratio symbol 3 Letters
57 Cosmonaut Gagarin 4 Letters
58 Kick 5 Letters
59 Don’t click this while the boss is watching letters 4 Letters
60 Like tom yum 4 Letters
61 Cheek 4 Letters
62 Classic words of disbelief 4 Letters
63 Paranormal power 3 Letters
64 Kind of cord or tap 6 Letters
65 Poet who gave us the phrase carpe diem 6 Letters
66 Adrenaline injector brand 6 Letters
67 White swan in Swan Lake 6 Letters
68 Greedy answer when given a choice 4 Letters
69 Title names 6 Letters
70 Tech company’s customers 5 Letters
71 Birth-related 5 Letters
72 Trilling performance? 4 Letters
73 Derby e.g. 3 Letters
74 S&L offering 3 Letters
75 Many a time 3 Letters
76 Flamenco call 3 Letters
77 Flowed into 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Hangar denizens 6 Letters
5 Bob or beehive 6 Letters
6 They close between acts 8 Letters
7 In a foolish way 8 Letters
8 King Kong star Watts 5 Letters
9 Philippines' capital city 6 Letters
10 Blows 9 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Like summer sandals 7 Letters
2 Wonderfully inexplicable 10 Letters
3 Lacking focus 11 Letters
4 Covering the whole earth 6 Letters
5 Not counterfeit 7 Letters
6 Canceled 8 Letters
7 Sponge's quality 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Remain 4 Letters
2 Iconoclasts 11 Letters
3 Not affected by change 9 Letters
4 Studious 7 Letters
5 Dupe 4 Letters
6 Like some pigeons 6 Letters
7 Protection 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Easiest of jobs 8 Letters
2 One of four babies 10 Letters
3 Seeing in your mind 9 Letters
4 Emphasize 10 Letters
5 Al Michaels for one 11 Letters
6 Fervid 8 Letters
7 Without the knowledge of 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Arranged in sequence 7 Letters
2 Arctic explorer Sir William 5 Letters
3 With a chance of happening 11 Letters
4 Kirk's Enterprise for one 8 Letters
5 Shining lightly 8 Letters
6 Amoeba extension 9 Letters
7 Pleased with oneself 10 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.