Floods with junk

Floods with junk crossword clue answer contains 7 letters and has been last seen on July 26 2024 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: LITCRIT

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Letters of coverage 3 Letters
2 Roadside buildup on a warm winter day 5 Letters
3 They're often around two feet 5 Letters
4 Metonym for attention 3 Letters
5 Spotted 5 Letters
6 Lost intentionally 5 Letters
7 Phase 3 Letters
8 Departure announcement 11 Letters
9 Samurai's sword 6 Letters
10 French buns 8 Letters
11 Garment for a vaquero 6 Letters
12 First word in the name of the U.S.'s most populous county 3 Letters
13 Center of a 63-Across 3 Letters
14 Melville character with the mantra I would prefer not to 8 Letters
15 Up to 3 Letters
16 Pitchfork part 4 Letters
17 Bush bounders 4 Letters
18 Shoo! 3 Letters
19 Jam session? 15 Letters
20 That's a ___! 3 Letters
21 Best Actress Oscar winner of 2022 4 Letters
22 First Nations people 4 Letters
23 Tearing up perhaps 3 Letters
24 Breed once known as the Tax Collector's Dog 8 Letters
25 Landscaper's supply 3 Letters
26 ___ Lipa (Dance the Night singer) 3 Letters
27 Threats 6 Letters
28 Predictive text? 8 Letters
29 Not at all into 6 Letters
30 Best-selling author of 2017's The Hate U Give 11 Letters
31 Kid's cry 3 Letters
32 Jason of Aquaman 5 Letters
33 Divisive pizza topping 5 Letters
34 South Park kid 3 Letters
35 Vacate a seat 5 Letters
36 Was syrupy in a way 5 Letters
37 Sachet filler 3 Letters
38 Go after 4 Letters
39 Chute behind a boat 3 Letters
40 Not identical say 5 Letters
41 Kind of column 8 Letters
42 Capital city whose main governmental building is known as the House of Pizarro 5 Letters
43 Game with a draw pile 9 Letters
44 Term of endearment akin to handsome 5 Letters
45 Monopoly piece 7 Letters
46 Personality indicator some say 4 Letters
47 I didn't see you there! 6 Letters
48 Radiohead's highest-selling single 8 Letters
49 Three-time Olympic gold medalist ___ Walsh Jennings 8 Letters
50 Like port 4 Letters
51 Race pace 3 Letters
52 Lunar mission of the 2020s 5 Letters
53 Wood that sinks in water 5 Letters
54 The world's biggest band per a 2021 Rolling Stone cover 4 Letters
55 Joined together 5 Letters
56 Rhyming subject for an English major 4 Letters
57 Feat on a beat 5 Letters
58 Office max? 5 Letters
59 Fan associated with a red white and blue skull logo 3 Letters
60 Catchphrase for Austin Powers 4 Letters
61 Venomous reef dweller 8 Letters
62 Powers of ___ (landmark documentary about the scale of the universe) 8 Letters
63 Two-piece? 6 Letters
64 Took off the board 4 Letters
65 ... oops my mistake 5 Letters
66 Set of beliefs 9 Letters
67 Cold call? 5 Letters
68 Subatomic particle named for a Greek letter 8 Letters
69 Well here goes nothing! 5 Letters
70 Mother of the Titans 3 Letters
71 Les ___ 4 Letters


If you enjoy crossword puzzles, word finds, and anagram games, you're going to love 7 Little Words! Each bite-size puzzle consists of 7 clues, 7 mystery words, and 20 letter groups. Find the mystery words by deciphering the clues and combining the letter groups. 7 Little Words is FUN, CHALLENGING, and EASY TO LEARN. We guarantee you've never played anything like it before. Give 7 Little Words a try today! From the creators of Moxie, Monkey Wrench, and Red Herring.

Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Large citrus fruit 6 Letters
5 Small red Japanese fruit 9 Letters
6 You eat its red seeds 11 Letters
7 Georgia's fruit 5 Letters
8 Bartlett or Concorde 4 Letters
9 Orange-fleshed fruit 6 Letters
10 Hawaiian pizza fruit 9 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Scoreboard column 4 Letters
2 Rodeo participant 5 Letters
3 Star Wars star Fisher 6 Letters
4 Presented as a present 6 Letters
5 Precipitated icily 7 Letters
6 Thinner 10 Letters
7 Slanting 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 It crashed in 1937 10 Letters
2 Mozart by birth 8 Letters
3 Resembling suede 11 Letters
4 High school novice slangily 5 Letters
5 Hanging artwork 7 Letters
6 Warsaw denizen 4 Letters
7 Zest 4 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Daffodil variety 7 Letters
2 Lots and lots 6 Letters
3 Bouncing gently on the knee 8 Letters
4 Respecting 10 Letters
5 Self-confidence 6 Letters
6 Merging 10 Letters
7 Contaminate 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Baseball players' headgear 4 Letters
2 Jam pickle or stew 4 Letters
3 Like log cabins 6 Letters
4 Place to buy a pie 8 Letters
5 Acid neutralizers 7 Letters
6 Person from Karachi 9 Letters
7 Pretty as a picture 10 Letters
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