Epigram or elegy

Epigram or elegy crossword clue answer contains 4 letters and has been last seen on August 27 2024 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: POEM

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Campy rock subgenre of the early 1970s 4 Letters
2 Dance in single file 5 Letters
3 Totally smitten 4 Letters
4 Social activity that one tries to get out of? 10 Letters
5 Super- 4 Letters
6 Mathematician Benoit ___ coiner of the word fractal 10 Letters
7 Shelter that's pitched 4 Letters
8 Take the wheel 5 Letters
9 Conscript 7 Letters
10 You're the One That I Want for one 4 Letters
11 Rank above viscount 4 Letters
12 Philosophically noncommittal 8 Letters
13 Former capital of Japan 5 Letters
14 Lead-in to algebra or calculus 3 Letters
15 ___ nous (between us) 5 Letters
16 Cornmeal cake in Colombian cuisine 5 Letters
17 Set straight 5 Letters
18 Opposed to 4 Letters
19 Fizzy drinks 5 Letters
20 Incorporate as a hyperlink 5 Letters
21 Sitcom narrator Mosby 3 Letters
22 I tip ___ to you! 5 Letters
23 Fashion designer in The Incredibles 8 Letters
24 Start of a texter's two cents 4 Letters
25 Storm relief org. 4 Letters
26 Give one's two cents 7 Letters
27 Nobel Peace Prize winner Sadat 5 Letters
28 Covid-19 slangily 4 Letters
29 Copywriter's handbook 10 Letters
30 Hankering 4 Letters
31 Messy end to a relationship with a hint to this puzzle's shaded squares 10 Letters
32 Asian cuisine choice 4 Letters
33 ___ salts 5 Letters
34 Slander! 4 Letters
35 Precious stones 4 Letters
36 Future J.D.'s exam 4 Letters
37 Skin affliction 4 Letters
38 Worked with what's available 4 Letters
39 Animation frame 5 Letters
40 Celestial body 4 Letters
41 Water water every where / ___ any drop to drink: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 4 Letters
42 Johnny B. of song 5 Letters
43 The National Railroad Passenger Corporation familiarly 4 Letters
44 Micro-organisms in the digestive tract 6 Letters
45 Aid's partner 8 Letters
46 Apt name for a DNA expert? 6 Letters
47 Commedia dell'___ 4 Letters
48 Read carefully ... or leisurely 3 Letters
49 Stark daughter on Game of Thrones 4 Letters
50 Europe's tallest active volcano 6 Letters
51 Museum placard info 3 Letters
52 Phone screen array 5 Letters
53 Bachelor party V.I.P. 5 Letters
54 Down-and-out 3 Letters
55 True ___ (podcast genre) 5 Letters
56 Fifty minutes past the hour 3 Letters
57 Made a choice 5 Letters
58 Musical staff letters 5 Letters
59 Capitol Hill staffer 3 Letters
60 Hawaiian fish 6 Letters
61 Hawaiian goose 4 Letters
62 Word before day or difference 3 Letters
63 Fallout 4 Letters
64 Pyramus' beloved in myth 6 Letters
65 Not automatic 8 Letters
66 Ready for use 6 Letters
67 Feedback session in art school for short 4 Letters
68 Ice planet in The Empire Strikes Back 5 Letters
69 Largest empire in pre-Columbian America 4 Letters
70 Reference site familiarly 4 Letters
71 Together in music 5 Letters
72 Workout units 4 Letters
73 Gridiron gains: Abbr. 4 Letters
74 Wall St. acquisition 4 Letters
75 Indecisive sound 4 Letters


If you enjoy crossword puzzles, word finds, and anagram games, you're going to love 7 Little Words! Each bite-size puzzle consists of 7 clues, 7 mystery words, and 20 letter groups. Find the mystery words by deciphering the clues and combining the letter groups. 7 Little Words is FUN, CHALLENGING, and EASY TO LEARN. We guarantee you've never played anything like it before. Give 7 Little Words a try today! From the creators of Moxie, Monkey Wrench, and Red Herring.

Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Pickle in Paris 9 Letters
5 Musical accord 7 Letters
6 Pertaining to the stars 6 Letters
7 Without soothing reassurance 11 Letters
8 Fearful 5 Letters
9 Flat-topped underwater peak 5 Letters
10 Where 221B Baker Street is 6 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Likelihood to dissolve 10 Letters
2 Pasta strainers 9 Letters
3 For VIPs only 9 Letters
4 Quality of voice 6 Letters
5 26-mile run 8 Letters
6 Certain metal mill 9 Letters
7 Bright and warm 8 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 It sparks a campfire 10 Letters
2 Famed French composer 7 Letters
3 Glow with heat 10 Letters
4 Did some online writing 7 Letters
5 Author Huxley 6 Letters
6 Fundamental 11 Letters
7 Brick-based theme park 8 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 What a lead singer provides 6 Letters
2 Morally upright 9 Letters
3 Clothes in old slang 4 Letters
4 Some Buffalo wings 6 Letters
5 British schoolyard game 8 Letters
6 Complain or gripe 4 Letters
7 Giving to as homework 9 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Populate 7 Letters
2 Hoist weights in a way 8 Letters
3 Connected group 5 Letters
4 Camera parts 8 Letters
5 Greek architectural style 5 Letters
6 Youngest Girl Guides 6 Letters
7 Human tower in Catalonia 7 Letters
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