Deified say

Deified say crossword clue answer contains 4 letters and has been last seen on January 3 2025 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: PROM

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Out of whack 5 Letters
2 Rock group behind 2024's Power Up Tour 4 Letters
3 What a bodybuilder builds during a bulk cycle 4 Letters
4 Sudden weather phenomenon 10 Letters
5 Closing on Sundays? 4 Letters
6 Cocktail that's called a French 75 if you use Champagne instead of soda water 10 Letters
7 Mulligan 4 Letters
8 Eponymous tourist destination in Belgium 3 Letters
9 Basis of some admissions 5 Letters
10 Strength poetically 5 Letters
11 Area between the ribs and the round 4 Letters
12 Heaps of dressing? 7 Letters
13 Responded identically to 6 Letters
14 On the ___ 5 Letters
15 Early synthesizers 5 Letters
16 Ringing nuisance 9 Letters
17 Like a face telling a spooky campfire story maybe 5 Letters
18 Give juice to 3 Letters
19 Ditto 5 Letters
20 Words before someone finally snaps? 9 Letters
21 Bridge support 5 Letters
22 Stool at a counter e.g. 5 Letters
23 Woody's crush in Toy Story 6 Letters
24 Member of a warrior class 7 Letters
25 Small stretches perhaps 4 Letters
26 Cherish 5 Letters
27 Much-sought-after commodity in Dune 5 Letters
28 Singer Rita 3 Letters
29 Ice skating move 4 Letters
30 Postgame photo op between two opposing players 10 Letters
31 First person to die according to the Bible 4 Letters
32 They're part of the story 10 Letters
33 Set back to zero in a way 4 Letters
34 Press rooms? 4 Letters
35 Wipe from one's visual memory so to speak 5 Letters
36 Common nap times in brief 4 Letters
37 Subpar dining hall food 4 Letters
38 Hindu god of love 5 Letters
39 F1 neighbor 4 Letters
40 Challenge to an intruder 4 Letters
41 Like a fearless bettor at a casino 5 Letters
42 Spring 4 Letters
43 Command to stay 4 Letters
44 Items harmed when they're scratched but not when they're burned 5 Letters
45 Group whose band is the oldest professional music ensemble in the U.S. 3 Letters
46 Change 11 Letters
47 Meal before the 15th of Nisan 12 Letters
48 White out say 5 Letters
49 Not set in stone 3 Letters
50 That's rather unfortunate dismissively 3 Letters
51 Exercise in deduction 5 Letters
52 ___ Taylor (fashion chain) 9 Letters
53 Australia declared war on them in 1932 in an attempt to stop them from destroying crops 4 Letters
54 Where Lola was a showgirl in song 5 Letters
55 Farm-to-table say 9 Letters
56 Couldn't have said it better myself 5 Letters
57 For two musicians 3 Letters
58 Ditch 3 Letters
59 Aristotle purportedly spoke with one 5 Letters
60 Word often after a president's name 12 Letters
61 Curling target 11 Letters
62 Bad sound to hear by a kitchen counter 3 Letters
63 Dutch constituent in the Caribbean 5 Letters
64 Bishop's headwear 4 Letters
65 Hitmakers? 4 Letters
66 Simple question on a high schooler's hand-drawn poster 5 Letters
67 Dominates 4 Letters
68 Power or frequency essentially 4 Letters
69 Church part 5 Letters
70 PNG alternative 4 Letters
71 Motif in 1995's Se7en 4 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Very large Australian bird 4 Letters
5 Large crested bird 9 Letters
6 New Zealand rail 4 Letters
7 Ground-dwelling parrot 6 Letters
8 Fastest-running bird 7 Letters
9 Bird rediscovered in 1948 6 Letters
10 King or Emperor bird 7 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Hatchet job 11 Letters
2 Fit for sale 10 Letters
3 Time away from work 7 Letters
4 Tool to hold the line 10 Letters
5 Salesperson's cut 10 Letters
6 So as to cause upset 11 Letters
7 Deep sea creature 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Rodeo rope 6 Letters
2 Key Take Five quality 9 Letters
3 Make famous forever 11 Letters
4 Lakers legend O'Neal 4 Letters
5 Popular vote 10 Letters
6 One who undertakes a journey 8 Letters
7 Lowest possible level 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Tropical storms 8 Letters
2 Like Robinson Crusoe 11 Letters
3 In an optimistic way 9 Letters
4 Well source 11 Letters
5 Lifted as one's spirits 6 Letters
6 Small pulpy fruit 5 Letters
7 Motley miscellaneous medley 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Second marriage 6 Letters
2 Cockney and Creole 8 Letters
3 They do it just for laughs 9 Letters
4 Given to making plans 8 Letters
5 Wedding 8 Letters
6 Language akin to Indonesian 8 Letters
7 Australian dragon 7 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.