Day-___ paint

Day-___ paint crossword clue answer contains 3 letters and has been last seen on February 17 2025 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: GLO

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Live ___ (Taco Bell slogan) 3 Letters
2 Where you might take a number 4 Letters
3 Tie named for a British horse racing venue 5 Letters
4 Valuable metals 4 Letters
5 Level 4 Letters
6 ___ masala (spicy Indian chickpea dish) 5 Letters
7 Memento-filled craft project 9 Letters
8 Staffs 5 Letters
9 Everything on a bagel say 8 Letters
10 Merge 4 Letters
11 Broadway's ___-Manuel Miranda 3 Letters
12 Abu Dhabi's country for short 3 Letters
13 Fast-food chain that serves Louisiana chicken 7 Letters
14 Ache (for) 5 Letters
15 Lead-in to phone or ass 5 Letters
16 Fluffy Chinese bread roll 3 Letters
17 Hosp. area for critical cases 3 Letters
18 ___-conscious 3 Letters
19 None for me 4 Letters
20 1981 hit by Queen and David Bowie 13 Letters
21 Check your ___ at the door” (sign for musical artists entering to record We Are the World”) 4 Letters
22 Singer Grande to fans 3 Letters
23 Big part of an elephant 3 Letters
24 Insolent sorts 5 Letters
25 Italian motor scooter 5 Letters
26 Child's urging to a horse 7 Letters
27 ___ chi (martial art) 3 Letters
28 Blade on a boat 3 Letters
29 Danish film director ___ von Trier 4 Letters
30 Unwavering 8 Letters
31 Menzel who has played a green witch and an ice princess 5 Letters
32 Uh-huh I bet … or a literal description of what 17- 24- 36- and 50-Across all have 9 Letters
33 Cowboy's workplace 5 Letters
34 Competent 4 Letters
35 Not. Good. 4 Letters
36 Parts of a jigsaw puzzle that many people work on first 5 Letters
37 The Bay State: Abbr. 4 Letters
38 Gate-keeping org.? 3 Letters
39 In the main 6 Letters
40 Main character on All in the Family or Riverdale 6 Letters
41 One of tennis's Williams sisters 6 Letters
42 Messing around on set? 5 Letters
43 Brings to mind 6 Letters
44 Ones born between July 23 and August 22 4 Letters
45 Pen filler 3 Letters
46 Opposite of refuse 6 Letters
47 Layered rock 5 Letters
48 Snickers or Milky Way 8 Letters
49 Air Force ___ 3 Letters
50 Profs' aides 3 Letters
51 Glimpsed 3 Letters
52 Jump (on) 6 Letters
53 Glum 6 Letters
54 Walk back and forth nervously 4 Letters
55 Simplicity 4 Letters
56 Please send assistance A.S.A.P.! 3 Letters
57 Clears (of) 4 Letters
58 ___ badge (scout's award) 5 Letters
59 Planet beyond Saturn 6 Letters
60 Unadulterated 4 Letters
61 Bumpy yellow fruit 4 Letters
62 Messing around as with an instrument or ideas 8 Letters
63 Item on a stage 4 Letters
64 Rescuer 6 Letters
65 Ingredient in tempera or tempura 3 Letters
66 Some dark red wines 6 Letters
67 Amazing deals 6 Letters
68 Looked for 6 Letters
69 Rhetorical device used to tug at your heartstrings 6 Letters
70 R&B's Franklin 6 Letters
71 Swing at a ball? 5 Letters
72 Fireplace remains 5 Letters
73 Country music's McEntire 4 Letters
74 Actress Lucy of CBS's Elementary 3 Letters
75 Burning feeling 3 Letters
76 Papa 3 Letters
77 Starchy tuber 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 College applicant's goal 10 Letters
5 Courageous 8 Letters
6 Like a healthy meal 9 Letters
7 Prominent Lincoln feature 5 Letters
8 Circa 5 Letters
9 Like a wet muddy dog 10 Letters
10 Sound of a bag of chips 7 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Like American expansion 8 Letters
2 Hole count on a golf course 8 Letters
3 Attempt to put out as fire 7 Letters
4 North Sea flatfish 4 Letters
5 US president after Truman 10 Letters
6 Practicing a scene 10 Letters
7 Use fingerpaints e.g. 5 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Holds tight 6 Letters
2 Country south of Finland 7 Letters
3 Grunting game fish 4 Letters
4 Off the wall 10 Letters
5 Concede 5 Letters
6 Stanley found him 11 Letters
7 Older ones 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Fantastic 8 Letters
2 Afraid 7 Letters
3 Like many opals 5 Letters
4 Mashing 8 Letters
5 Precede 8 Letters
6 The way the breeze blows 8 Letters
7 Placid 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Stock 9 Letters
2 Country founded by ex-slaves 7 Letters
3 Fills up 8 Letters
4 Sculpt with wood 7 Letters
5 Large unit of heat energy 11 Letters
6 Younger Jetson child 5 Letters
7 Nicks of Fleetwood Mac 6 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.