Clearasil target

Clearasil target crossword clue answer contains 4 letters and has been last seen on December 3 2024 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: ACNE

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Fourth month for short 3 Letters
2 Card above king 3 Letters
3 ___ the season to be jolly ... 3 Letters
4 Not wet 3 Letters
5 ___ Vegas 3 Letters
6 The Metropolitan Museum of ___ (NYC museum) 3 Letters
7 Have You Ever ___ the Rain? (CCR hit) 4 Letters
8 Trash containers 4 Letters
9 Playfully shy (rhymes with toy) 3 Letters
10 Sands of ___ Jima (John Wayne film) 3 Letters
11 ___ Rodgers NFL quarterback born in December who was the 2011 Super Bowl MVP 5 Letters
12 Sprints and marathons e.g. 5 Letters
13 Soapmaker's chemical 3 Letters
14 DeSean ___ former NFL wide receiver born in December who holds the record for most career touchdowns of 60+ yards 7 Letters
15 911 respondents: Abbr. 4 Letters
16 Ornamental vase 3 Letters
17 I didn't need to know that in textspeak: Abbr. 3 Letters
18 Lobster's sharp appendages 5 Letters
19 One between 12 and 20 years of age 4 Letters
20 Pen ___ (long-distance buddy) 3 Letters
21 ___ Weasley (Hermione's beau) 3 Letters
22 A in Q&A for short 3 Letters
23 The ___ Dwayne Johnson's moniker 4 Letters
24 ___ City (capital of Nevada) 6 Letters
25 Craft beer with a hoppy flavor: Abbr. 3 Letters
26 Regret deeply 3 Letters
27 Every ___ has its thorn 4 Letters
28 ___ Burrow NFL quarterback born in December who led the Cincinnati Bengals to a Super Bowl playoff 3 Letters
29 Victorian or Jurassic e.g. 3 Letters
30 Test a dress out in the fitting room say 3 Letters
31 It may be parked in Area 51's guest lot?: Abbr. 3 Letters
32 ___ and Peace (book by Leo Tolstoy) 3 Letters
33 If only ___ listened to me poor man! 3 Letters
34 Grandmother to a Londoner lovingly 3 Letters
35 YouTube pop-ups for short 3 Letters
36 Opposite of post 3 Letters
37 Whiskey ingredient 3 Letters
38 Beef actress ___ Wong 3 Letters
39 Root ___ (dental procedure) 5 Letters
40 Written assignment for an AP Lit class 5 Letters
41 Crispy folded Mexican treat 4 Letters
42 Wrinkle remover 4 Letters
43 Piglet's home 3 Letters
44 ___ Chubb NFL running back born in December who won 4 Pro Bowls 4 Letters
45 ___ buddies (close friends) 5 Letters
46 Almost heaven ___ Virginia ... (John Denver lyrics) 4 Letters
47 Winding tool for fish or film 4 Letters
48 Medium ___ (steak preference) 4 Letters
49 Stick out with out 3 Letters
50 Puppy's playful bite 3 Letters
51 ___ Ingram II former NFL running back born in December who won a Heisman Trophy and played for the New Orleans Saints 4 Letters
52 ___-faced (dishonest) 3 Letters
53 Unique American ID: Abbr. 3 Letters
54 Clip-___ (sound of hooves) 4 Letters
55 Life Is Good rapper 3 Letters
56 Grammy winner India ___ 4 Letters
57 ___ pole (Santa's home) 5 Letters
58 Napper's noise 5 Letters
59 Spicy Louisiana cuisine 5 Letters
60 Staff on a film set 4 Letters
61 Surrounding spiritual glow 4 Letters
62 ___ Window (Alfred Hitchcock movie) 4 Letters
63 Pink Floyd's ___ Barrett 3 Letters
64 Adventure ___ Lifetime (song by Coldplay): 2 wds. 3 Letters
65 One billion years 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Trumpet player Gillespie 5 Letters
5 Charlie Parker's alias 8 Letters
6 Thomas Waller to fans 4 Letters
7 Saxophonist Adderley 10 Letters
8 Eleanora Fagan on stage 6 Letters
9 Jazz pianist Ellington 4 Letters
10 Louis Armstrong's moniker 7 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 What trains run on 9 Letters
2 Dissimilarities 11 Letters
3 In an extemporaneous way 11 Letters
4 More blameworthy 8 Letters
5 Negligence 11 Letters
6 Pretentious 7 Letters
7 Troublesome 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Gentle quality 8 Letters
2 Like a jester 10 Letters
3 Group in court 4 Letters
4 Uncertainly 9 Letters
5 Drop steeply 6 Letters
6 Neighbor of Windsor Ontario 7 Letters
7 Thin and fine 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 A yearning to do something 4 Letters
2 Isolate as a jury 9 Letters
3 Most unfriendly 8 Letters
4 El Kabong alter ego surname 6 Letters
5 Running events 5 Letters
6 Clustering together 8 Letters
7 Easily induced (to) 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Tapped gently 6 Letters
2 Related to the joints 9 Letters
3 Protect with precautions 7 Letters
4 Ends of many sequel titles 8 Letters
5 Treated like a doormat say 11 Letters
6 Beat-specific 8 Letters
7 Ice cream parlor offering 5 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.