Civil rights activist Parks

Civil rights activist Parks crossword clue answer contains 4 letters and has been last seen on October 2 2024 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: ROSA

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Have breakfast say 3 Letters
2 Field trip transport choice 3 Letters
3 Dog's growling sound 3 Letters
4 By way of in a traveler's itinerary 3 Letters
5 Santa ___ California 3 Letters
6 Hotel offering 4 Letters
7 ___ Development satirical sitcom that recycles the same storyline every season 8 Letters
8 Disney's icy protagonist 4 Letters
9 Morse code bits 4 Letters
10 One in a decade 4 Letters
11 Extinct Mauritian bird that was flightless 4 Letters
12 Moo-ing animals 4 Letters
13 Desperate Housewives actress Hatcher 4 Letters
14 Well well look who's here! 3 Letters
15 Team leader for short 3 Letters
16 Tags on clothes 6 Letters
17 It might hang over a crib 6 Letters
18 DJ's assortment: Abbr. 3 Letters
19 And so on: Abbr. 3 Letters
20 Coral ___ 4 Letters
21 Pageant winner's accessory 4 Letters
22 Great ___ (dog breed) 4 Letters
23 Trailer ___ Boys Canadian mockumentary sitcom that recycles the same storyline every season 4 Letters
24 Farming prefix 4 Letters
25 Follow orders 4 Letters
26 Brooklyn ___ police procedural sitcom that recycles the same storyline every season: Hyph. 8 Letters
27 The Big Easy golfer Ernie 3 Letters
28 Noteworthy period 3 Letters
29 Mafia boss title 3 Letters
30 Palindromic Vietnamese festival 3 Letters
31 Superlative suffix 3 Letters
32 Plane's takeoff status: Abbr. 3 Letters
33 Actress Longoria or Gabor 3 Letters
34 What you may fill in a basketball 3 Letters
35 Driveway goo 3 Letters
36 Bubble ___ (relaxing soak) 4 Letters
37 Acronym for the World Heritage Site selector 6 Letters
38 Feeling :( 3 Letters
39 ___ Anatomy medical drama TV series that recycles the same storyline every season 5 Letters
40 Romeo or Juliet in a play e.g. 4 Letters
41 Scar the surface of 3 Letters
42 Dr. Dolittle star ___ Murphy 5 Letters
43 ___ Paulo Brazil 3 Letters
44 The Walking ___ post-apocalyptic TV series that recycles the same storyline every season 4 Letters
45 Spherical space objects 4 Letters
46 Physicist Georg ___ 3 Letters
47 Court someone romantically 3 Letters
48 Breaking Amish channel: Abbr. 3 Letters
49 Personal appearance (anagram of mine) 4 Letters
50 Sheer delight 4 Letters
51 NBA official for short 3 Letters
52 Grazing locale 3 Letters
53 Public roads for short 3 Letters
54 Intellectual organ 5 Letters
55 Dining room needs 6 Letters
56 Where clouds float 3 Letters
57 ___ Parker Jaden Smith's character in The Karate Kid 3 Letters
58 William Wordsworth for one 4 Letters
59 Up to the task 4 Letters
60 ___ one's case (conclude) 4 Letters
61 Irritating pest 4 Letters
62 Maiden name preceder 3 Letters
63 Suffix with flour or brom 3 Letters
64 Do ___ disturb 3 Letters
65 Put a full stop to 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Gave custody of 9 Letters
5 Sporty convertible 8 Letters
6 Brian Dennis & Carl Wilson 9 Letters
7 Heat-related 7 Letters
8 Scant quality 9 Letters
9 Get on a list ahead of time 11 Letters
10 Goaded 7 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 More lithe 7 Letters
2 Turned to the right again 11 Letters
3 Of unknown time 7 Letters
4 Locks away 7 Letters
5 Ahead of the times 10 Letters
6 Stitched up 4 Letters
7 Star Trek phaser setting 4 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Having strong views 11 Letters
2 Reduction of a sentence 11 Letters
3 First course 7 Letters
4 In an upbeat way 10 Letters
5 Call into question 6 Letters
6 Corpulence 9 Letters
7 Susan B. Anthony for one 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Steel wool pad 7 Letters
2 Gonzo the Great feature 8 Letters
3 Whitened the laundry 5 Letters
4 Cook in hot liquid 5 Letters
5 Gives up 5 Letters
6 Keeping in reserve 11 Letters
7 Warm-up exercise 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 In a ravenous manner 11 Letters
2 Rotates 5 Letters
3 Montreal hockey team 9 Letters
4 Tennis legend Arthur 4 Letters
5 Applying a wood finish 8 Letters
6 State of being old-fashioned 9 Letters
7 Spread widely 9 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.