Bird that Australians lost a war to

Bird that Australians lost a war to crossword clue answer contains 3 letters and has been last seen on March 13 2025 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: EMU

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Not outgoing 3 Letters
2 Ready ___ go! 3 Letters
3 ___ it in the bud 3 Letters
4 Actress Thompson who plays Lorraine Baines McFly in Back to the Future 3 Letters
5 Just Go with It actor ___ Sandler 4 Letters
6 Wild pig 4 Letters
7 Sound of relief from a massage 3 Letters
8 One part of Santa's list of children who receive gifts 4 Letters
9 Marching military force 4 Letters
10 Opposite of con on a list 3 Letters
11 Infinity ___ five powerful objects that Thanos and the Avengers fight over in the Marvel movies 6 Letters
12 How-___ (instruction steps) 3 Letters
13 ___ card (cell phone chip): Abbr. 3 Letters
14 Up to task 4 Letters
15 Santa ___ city in California where you can find the NVIDIA headquarters 5 Letters
16 One of seven magical objects that contained Voldemort's soul in the Harry Potter movies 7 Letters
17 Bit of Morse code 3 Letters
18 Word before some or struck 3 Letters
19 Out ___ limb: 2 wds. 3 Letters
20 Superman's Lois 4 Letters
21 ___-Mex (regional cuisine) 3 Letters
22 Turn-it-up sound equipment for short 3 Letters
23 Texter's surprise: Abbr. 3 Letters
24 Road paving material 3 Letters
25 It can be inflated or bruised 3 Letters
26 Book of maps 5 Letters
27 Pink ___ diamond precious object that Inspector Clouseau retrieves every time it gets stolen in the titular movies 7 Letters
28 I bless the ___ down in Africa gonna take some time to do ... (lyric from a famous Toto song) 5 Letters
29 Alias letters 3 Letters
30 Angsty teen phase perhaps 3 Letters
31 Baby goat 3 Letters
32 Big Apple paper: Abbr. 3 Letters
33 Summon a genie say 3 Letters
34 Up-top high five? 4 Letters
35 ___ of the Ocean precious object that Rose Dawson lets slip into the sea in Titanic 5 Letters
36 Gmail competitor whose name is an expression of joy 5 Letters
37 ___ serif (typeface) 4 Letters
38 Make changes before publishing say 4 Letters
39 ___ Bell (Mexican fast food joint) 4 Letters
40 Neither's other half 3 Letters
41 ___ Groot (famous dialogue): 2 wds. 3 Letters
42 Poke one's nose into say 3 Letters
43 A Few Good ___ (1992 movie) 3 Letters
44 Pesto herb 5 Letters
45 Exit PC key 3 Letters
46 Cul-de-___ 3 Letters
47 Female title before President or Secretary 5 Letters
48 Dude alternative 3 Letters
49 Moon-related eclipses 5 Letters
50 SAT or LSAT e.g. 4 Letters
51 The One ___ powerful object that the powers of Middle Earth fight over in the Lord of the Rings franchise 4 Letters
52 Enjoyed a bagel say 3 Letters
53 Mr. Monopoly's headwear 3 Letters
54 O of IOU 3 Letters
55 T-___ (Jurassic Park antagonist) 3 Letters
56 Thief's stolen goods say 4 Letters
57 ___ Blinders (2013 series starring Cillian Murphy) 5 Letters
58 Sun-kissed shade 3 Letters
59 Donkey informally 3 Letters
60 Airborne pest 4 Letters
61 The ___ of the Covenant biblical object that Indiana Jones and his rivals covet in the first installment of the Indiana Jones movies 3 Letters
62 ___ chi (Chinese martial art) 3 Letters
63 Container cover 3 Letters
64 Rapunzel's weapon in Tangled 3 Letters
65 That girl 3 Letters
66 Apt name for a thief? 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Animal in Ralph Lauren logo 5 Letters
5 Taylor Swift and Billy Idol 9 Letters
6 The N in UNICEF 7 Letters
7 Coyotes and hyenas 10 Letters
8 Infatuated 7 Letters
9 Smelled a rat 9 Letters
10 Like the hypotenuse 8 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Late for class 5 Letters
2 Arnold Schwarzenegger's kid 9 Letters
3 Croakers 5 Letters
4 One of the five senses 5 Letters
5 Program loader 9 Letters
6 Business get-togethers 11 Letters
7 Pass on as information 5 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Having a chat 10 Letters
2 Genuine 9 Letters
3 Answer to a question 10 Letters
4 Winter road clearer 8 Letters
5 South Pacific composer 7 Letters
6 Free-standing closets 8 Letters
7 Waggery 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Having adjustable slats 8 Letters
2 Alabama city 10 Letters
3 Growth period 11 Letters
4 Mexican turnovers 9 Letters
5 Boston NHL player 5 Letters
6 Happening to 9 Letters
7 Law enforcers 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Utter bitter complaints 4 Letters
2 Chastise 7 Letters
3 Developed useful contacts 9 Letters
4 Major Los Angeles boulevard 8 Letters
5 Fish hawks 7 Letters
6 Gumby's nemeses 10 Letters
7 Small Central African state 6 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.