Baltimore ballplayer

Baltimore ballplayer crossword clue answer contains 3 letters and has been last seen on October 29 2024 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: BAD

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Alternatives to Ubers 4 Letters
2 Game also called hoops 5 Letters
3 I'll drink to ___! 4 Letters
4 Eleven in Évian 4 Letters
5 Stan's partner in old comedy 5 Letters
6 ___ cava (blood line to the heart) 4 Letters
7 Whole bunch at a family reunion? 15 Letters
8 Give for safekeeping 7 Letters
9 Titular film character who lives in a swamp 5 Letters
10 Parent company of Instagram 4 Letters
11 Kerfuffle 3 Letters
12 Large array for a desk? 15 Letters
13 Author Horatio 5 Letters
14 ___ the season! 3 Letters
15 Customizable Nintendo avatar 3 Letters
16 Kind of salad with celery apples walnuts and grapes 7 Letters
17 Performing group at a homecoming game 7 Letters
18 Uno + due 3 Letters
19 The sun or the moon 3 Letters
20 You might ask for one at an annual review 5 Letters
21 Big group in a dog show? 15 Letters
22 Word before cream or crystals 3 Letters
23 Mattress specification 4 Letters
24 Lead-in to soprano 5 Letters
25 Suddenly started speaking 7 Letters
26 Massive collection for an alchemist? 15 Letters
27 Blacken on the grill 4 Letters
28 Be behind 5 Letters
29 Boring routines 4 Letters
30 Word after Going once going twice! 4 Letters
31 Tube-shaped pasta 5 Letters
32 Achievement for Elton John and John Legend in brief 4 Letters
33 With 28-Down emergency status 4 Letters
34 Unknown writer for short 5 Letters
35 [Wrong answer!] 4 Letters
36 Oracle 4 Letters
37 Office heads 5 Letters
38 Drunk as a skunk 4 Letters
39 Sitcom extraterrestrial 4 Letters
40 D.M.V. document: Abbr. 5 Letters
41 Virgo preceder 4 Letters
42 Nashville or Atlanta e.g. 4 Letters
43 ___ apparent 3 Letters
44 Name shared by two of King Henry VIII's wives 6 Letters
45 Job 6 Letters
46 Uno or due 4 Letters
47 Org. that grades meat 6 Letters
48 Fore's counterpart 4 Letters
49 Rear end in London's West End 3 Letters
50 Took care of 6 Letters
51 Of course! in Spanish 3 Letters
52 Looked at rudely 3 Letters
53 See 1-Down 3 Letters
54 Guacamole or hummus 3 Letters
55 It might be spam 3 Letters
56 Lather ___ repeat 3 Letters
57 Diner add-ons 3 Letters
58 Warm pink hue 3 Letters
59 To and ___ 6 Letters
60 Not tardy 3 Letters
61 Misbehaving 4 Letters
62 Very good pal informally 6 Letters
63 ___ brain (source of our primal instincts it's said) 4 Letters
64 Supply-and-demand subj. 6 Letters
65 Broadway musical about the son of Charlemagne 6 Letters
66 Slipperlike shoes for short 4 Letters
67 Repeat word for word 4 Letters
68 Ardent enthusiasm 5 Letters
69 Ireland to the Irish 4 Letters
70 ___ Emhoff husband of Kamala Harris 4 Letters
71 For ___ us a child is born 5 Letters
72 Vowelless attention-getter 4 Letters
73 Pit stop brand 4 Letters
74 Something crushed during a gold rush 5 Letters
75 Devotee 4 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Bites down on 6 Letters
5 Gave the once over 4 Letters
6 Dancer to The Blue Danube 7 Letters
7 Titian's tool 10 Letters
8 Ricochet wildly 5 Letters
9 Fizzy water inventor Joseph 9 Letters
10 Astana resident 6 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Numerousness 9 Letters
2 Shot that misses the hoop 7 Letters
3 Low points 6 Letters
4 Produce goods by machinery 11 Letters
5 Made butter say 7 Letters
6 What dry cookies do 7 Letters
7 Doorbell alternative 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Gepetto was one 10 Letters
2 Residents of Quito 11 Letters
3 Inaptly titled 8 Letters
4 Masonry 9 Letters
5 Dances at luaus 5 Letters
6 Uninjured 9 Letters
7 Gambols about 5 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Dallas Cowboys mascot 5 Letters
2 Seven-time F1 World Champion 10 Letters
3 Write poetry 7 Letters
4 Small bit 5 Letters
5 Kindle 7 Letters
6 Ready to be shipped 8 Letters
7 Myopic 11 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Imbued with a strong taste 6 Letters
2 Overly sweet 6 Letters
3 Consumer review app 4 Letters
4 Bog hole content 9 Letters
5 Wagon maker 10 Letters
6 They replace sick teachers 11 Letters
7 Second largest whale 7 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.