Baby lion

Baby lion crossword clue answer contains 3 letters and has been last seen on February 8 2025 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: CUB

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Atlas page 3 Letters
2 Legally prohibit 3 Letters
3 Baggage ___ (luggage label) 3 Letters
4 Cambodia's continent 4 Letters
5 Miner's find 3 Letters
6 Freudian topic 3 Letters
7 Resident Evil: Apocalypse actor Mike ___ 4 Letters
8 Granola grains 4 Letters
9 Actress Thompson who plays Lorraine Baines McFly in Back to the Future 3 Letters
10 ___ Potato popular circle game where an object is tossed around from hand to hand until the music stops 3 Letters
11 Eyelid inflammation 4 Letters
12 ___ talk (pre-game speech) 3 Letters
13 Tinder or Instagram for short 3 Letters
14 Lassie's mate 3 Letters
15 Device to catch a mouse 4 Letters
16 Cincinnati's state 4 Letters
17 Actor ___ Baldwin of It's Complicated 4 Letters
18 ___ what you did there!: 2 wds. 4 Letters
19 Like some timers? 3 Letters
20 Nebraska's largest city 5 Letters
21 Embroider e.g. 3 Letters
22 Agree wordlessly 3 Letters
23 Fruit ___ popular seat-swapping circle game where players have to dash to an empty seat when their fruit name is called 5 Letters
24 Help in a heist 4 Letters
25 iPhone platform 3 Letters
26 Rock producer Brian ___ 3 Letters
27 Train in a ring say 4 Letters
28 Word repeated before goose to make a classic circle game where one taps heads and then runs to avoid getting caught 4 Letters
29 Feels unwell 4 Letters
30 Altar constellation 3 Letters
31 Actress Fanning from Maleficent 4 Letters
32 ___ Moines Iowa 3 Letters
33 Pioneering journalist Nellie ___ 3 Letters
34 Count on both hands? 3 Letters
35 Good Girls actress ___ Whitman 3 Letters
36 Venomous Egyptian snake 3 Letters
37 Dot on a domino 3 Letters
38 Feather ___ (fluffy scarf) 3 Letters
39 Liberal ___ (social science humanities and the likes) 4 Letters
40 Place for eggs 4 Letters
41 ___ Game popular circle game where a whispered message distorts hilariously the more it goes around 9 Letters
42 Tree-ring count say 3 Letters
43 Indian beach state 3 Letters
44 Bonfire remnant 3 Letters
45 Actress Cheri ___ of Grown Ups 2 5 Letters
46 Decide not to join with out 3 Letters
47 Former NBA star ___ Ming 3 Letters
48 Opposite of fail 4 Letters
49 Amelia Earhart was one 5 Letters
50 Vietnam neighbor 4 Letters
51 ___ mater (one's former school) 4 Letters
52 Distribute as a deck of cards 4 Letters
53 Sound of the letter after O 3 Letters
54 Not divisible by two 3 Letters
55 Musical ___ popular circle game where players race for seats when the music ends 6 Letters
56 Actor McGregor of Doctor Sleep 4 Letters
57 Fuss and fanfare for nothing 3 Letters
58 This doesn't ___ well ... (like an omen) 4 Letters
59 Sign of healing 4 Letters
60 Online auction site 4 Letters
61 Far from ecstatic 3 Letters
62 All-American dessert 3 Letters
63 ___ Toy Barn from Toy Story 2 3 Letters
64 Web address: Abbr. 3 Letters
65 Last or final for short 3 Letters
66 Suffix with arti or parti 3 Letters
67 Boy toy? 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Bursting at the seams 11 Letters
5 Landing strips 7 Letters
6 Let's Make a Deal choices 5 Letters
7 Making an origami fold 8 Letters
8 Twisters actress Maura 7 Letters
9 Dumas' musketeers say 4 Letters
10 How a bride glows typically 9 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Mentioned 8 Letters
2 Skylark maker 5 Letters
3 Got some exercise 6 Letters
4 Spies' contacts 8 Letters
5 River cruise company 6 Letters
6 Driver's offense 8 Letters
7 In great quantity 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Skied on a slalom perhaps 6 Letters
2 Spanish music genre 8 Letters
3 Transported dirty dishes 5 Letters
4 Post office delivery 4 Letters
5 Assistance location 8 Letters
6 Foibles 6 Letters
7 Blue Jays stadium once 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Wimbledon champion Boris 6 Letters
2 They are handed down 10 Letters
3 Parties at the stadium 9 Letters
4 Mountainside music-maker 9 Letters
5 Sasquatch 7 Letters
6 Complex entity 9 Letters
7 Using a key 9 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Northern neighbor of Nepal 5 Letters
2 Pure folly 6 Letters
3 Baby food mostly 5 Letters
4 Quito resident for one 10 Letters
5 Give up formally 8 Letters
6 Greasy soul food staple 7 Letters
7 Unit for measuring firewood 4 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.