
Avail crossword clue answer contains 5 letters and has been last seen on August 7 2024 as part of New York Times Crossword.

Possible Solution: AFLAC

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Rhyme of 49-Across but not a homophone of 19-Across 4 Letters
2 On the ___ 3 Letters
3 Rhyme of 46-Across but not a homophone of 21-Across 4 Letters
4 Key that might be part of a chain 4 Letters
5 Olay competitor 5 Letters
6 Spaniard's other 4 Letters
7 Opposite of hopping 4 Letters
8 Customer service worker 5 Letters
9 Serves you right! 4 Letters
10 Main branch of a tree 5 Letters
11 It gets baked 5 Letters
12 Take a break 4 Letters
13 Not on board with 4 Letters
14 Evaluate for purity 5 Letters
15 Like Plan B for short 3 Letters
16 Wee 5 Letters
17 Marshland 3 Letters
18 ___ Choice 7 Letters
19 Another sheep pun? ___ gotta be kidding! 3 Letters
20 Field for grazing 3 Letters
21 Everglades wader 5 Letters
22 Shade 3 Letters
23 Gun-regulating grp. 3 Letters
24 By way of 7 Letters
25 I.C.U. staffers 3 Letters
26 Attention-getting sound 5 Letters
27 Sounds of sympathy 3 Letters
28 Uneven 5 Letters
29 Conditional words 3 Letters
30 Pacific ___ 3 Letters
31 Unfair outcome informally 7 Letters
32 Corkscrew-shaped pasta 7 Letters
33 A pop star might go by this 7 Letters
34 Stay away (from) 7 Letters
35 Used as a platform 7 Letters
36 More timid 7 Letters
37 Rhyme of 19-Across but not a homophone of 46-Across 3 Letters
38 Heavy-hearted 3 Letters
39 Denver-to-Omaha dir. 3 Letters
40 Rhyme of 43-Across but not a homophone of 49-Across 3 Letters
41 Put in an offer 3 Letters
42 Exerciser's target 4 Letters
43 Classic accessory for Humphrey Bogart 3 Letters
44 Many a Gilbert and Sullivan work 5 Letters
45 Park in N.Y.C. e.g. 4 Letters
46 Untruthful 4 Letters
47 Pooch 5 Letters
48 Conversely … in a text 4 Letters
49 Not to 6 Letters
50 It doesn't stay hot for long 5 Letters
51 Keeps at 4 Letters
52 Lots 7 Letters
53 Remedies for missed turns 4 Letters
54 Native Coloradans 3 Letters
55 Insurer with an avian mascot 5 Letters
56 Take care of 10 Letters
57 Real mess 4 Letters
58 Rhyme of 21-Across but not a homophone of 43-Across 3 Letters
59 Leader who wrote The Discovery of India 5 Letters
60 Totally shifted the momentum of 10 Letters
61 Hoo-boy! 4 Letters
62 Exclamation of understanding 4 Letters
63 Subj. taught by Fulbright scholars 3 Letters
64 Clothing colloquially 5 Letters
65 Serious workplace problem for short 4 Letters
66 Puh-lease! 7 Letters
67 Leaves out 6 Letters
68 Island country that's 24 hours ahead of its closest neighbor 5 Letters
69 Apply as sunscreen 4 Letters
70 Brownish pear 5 Letters
71 Once more ___ the breach 4 Letters
72 Communicate like a Sphynx 3 Letters
73 Give for a time 5 Letters
74 ___ is very agreeable but the bad thing is that it goes on 24 hours a day: Gabriel García Márquez 4 Letters
75 Leopard's spot 3 Letters
76 Place 5 Letters
77 Memo line 4 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Dreary 6 Letters
5 They're mischievous 7 Letters
6 Change to a sound wave 10 Letters
7 Spicy handheld meals 5 Letters
8 Where inventory may be taken 9 Letters
9 Most malleable metal 4 Letters
10 They're sort of like similes 9 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Space for storage 8 Letters
2 Stared (at) 5 Letters
3 Mild-tasting ocean fishes 4 Letters
4 Position of dominance 10 Letters
5 Olympic flame carrier 11 Letters
6 Newspaper perhaps 8 Letters
7 A red suit 8 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Pooh-poohed 9 Letters
2 Supportive quality 11 Letters
3 Qatar for one 7 Letters
4 Fixed a shoestring 7 Letters
5 To a man 9 Letters
6 Hint of perfume 5 Letters
7 Pal of Archie Andrews 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Old-fashioned 5 Letters
2 Unit for measuring vitamins 9 Letters
3 Place to keep your socks 7 Letters
4 Wooly youngsters 5 Letters
5 In a generous manner 11 Letters
6 Sword sheath 8 Letters
7 Composes a movie's music 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 British medical journal 6 Letters
2 Gigantic 7 Letters
3 Fascinate 9 Letters
4 Jack Kerouac and his posse 8 Letters
5 Periodic table creator 9 Letters
6 Good fences make them good 9 Letters
7 Trait of Bonneville Speedway 8 Letters
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