Astrological lion

Astrological lion crossword clue answer contains 3 letters and has been last seen on January 1 2025 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: LEO

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Writer's fluid 3 Letters
2 Load-carrying animal 3 Letters
3 Morning drops on grass 3 Letters
4 Take part in a marathon say 3 Letters
5 Tic-tac-___ 3 Letters
6 Stop right there! command 4 Letters
7 Tiny part of a molecule 4 Letters
8 She sheep 3 Letters
9 I didn't mean to delete that! PC command 4 Letters
10 Time ___ (duration) 4 Letters
11 Jake the ___ from Adventure Time reminds you this New Year that being bad at something is the first step to being sorta good at it 3 Letters
12 Big name in ice cream 3 Letters
13 Colored flower part 5 Letters
14 Leg count of a spider 5 Letters
15 PC key to leave 3 Letters
16 Flash ___ (surprise gathering) 3 Letters
17 Pasture call 3 Letters
18 Kool-___ (fruity drink) 3 Letters
19 Floating ball of light 3 Letters
20 Sheldon ___ from The Big Bang Theory reminds you this New Year that banks shouldn't be trusted because ATMs may lead the robot uprising 6 Letters
21 ___ queen (melodramatic one say) 5 Letters
22 ___ judicata (legal term) 3 Letters
23 Pick a card ___ card 3 Letters
24 Tailor's measuring unit perhaps 4 Letters
25 Bee's cousin 4 Letters
26 ___ Games video game company of Fortnite 4 Letters
27 Porridge tidbit 3 Letters
28 ___ Dunphy from Modern Family reminds you this New Year that when life gives you lemonade make lemons to make life go Whhhaaa? 4 Letters
29 ___ Zeppelin with the hit Kashmir 3 Letters
30 Cake Boss channel: Abbr. 3 Letters
31 Stallion's mate 4 Letters
32 The ___ and Jerry Show 3 Letters
33 Money plan for the aged: Abbr. 3 Letters
34 Pecans and cashews e.g. 4 Letters
35 Leslie ___ from Parks and Recreation is here to remind you this New Year to prioritize waffles and friends before work! 5 Letters
36 Finished the waffles say 3 Letters
37 Female in a sty 3 Letters
38 Edible sunflower part 4 Letters
39 ___ Levy of Schitt's Creek 3 Letters
40 Former times in poems 3 Letters
41 International commerce group (anagram of two): Abbr. 3 Letters
42 Gigantic 4 Letters
43 ___ Men AMC TV series 3 Letters
44 Night before 01-01: Abbr. 3 Letters
45 ___ for (choose) 3 Letters
46 Drink that sounds like a letter 3 Letters
47 ___ was saying ...: 2 wds. 3 Letters
48 PC monitor display: Abbr. 3 Letters
49 If you're asking me ...: Abbr. 3 Letters
50 Slimy stuff 3 Letters
51 Move like a frog 3 Letters
52 Stylish in the '60s 3 Letters
53 NHL's great Bobby ___ 3 Letters
54 Management major's degree: Abbr. 3 Letters
55 Red Bull container 3 Letters
56 The Little Mermaid prince 4 Letters
57 Kylo ___ Star Wars villain 3 Letters
58 Pancake syrup 5 Letters
59 Michael ___ from The Office is here to remind you this New Year that if you get fooled once strike one but get fooled twice ... strike three 5 Letters
60 Scream and holler 4 Letters
61 Beyonce hit that is also an angel's head accessory 4 Letters
62 Typing speed: Abbr. 3 Letters
63 I've figured it out! 3 Letters
64 Knight's title 3 Letters
65 Carolina's ___ Dee River 3 Letters
66 Knot tier?: 2 wds. 3 Letters
67 Cable channel that airs old MGM films: Abbr. 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Gets started 9 Letters
5 Buck 6 Letters
6 Like your favorite sofa say 5 Letters
7 Galapagos Islands' country 7 Letters
8 Cleveland diamond runners 9 Letters
9 The people not talking 9 Letters
10 Kind of like the Earth 8 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Putting up 8 Letters
2 Sleeveless rainwear 6 Letters
3 In working order 11 Letters
4 Fellow students 10 Letters
5 Rosie's factory activity 8 Letters
6 Wendy's dessert 6 Letters
7 Servile subordinate 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Highly contagious 8 Letters
2 Fashioned without machinery 11 Letters
3 Like some pirate treasure 6 Letters
4 Unaffected by oxidation 9 Letters
5 Insistence 7 Letters
6 Exclamation of surprise 4 Letters
7 Throat-related 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Long roll 10 Letters
2 Money makes him cross 8 Letters
3 Calligrapher's work 9 Letters
4 Tendon in the calf 8 Letters
5 Make flame retardant 9 Letters
6 Hand drier 6 Letters
7 Alicia Cook's stage name 4 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Covering as with snow 10 Letters
2 Officially cancel 6 Letters
3 Seaport in SE France 10 Letters
4 The Prince author Niccolo 11 Letters
5 Maximum volume 8 Letters
6 Formally pronounced 8 Letters
7 Job's Apple co-founder 7 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.