Alligator kin for short

Alligator kin for short crossword clue answer contains 4 letters and has been last seen on August 16 2024 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: CROC

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Ewe's partner and Aries symbol 3 Letters
2 ChapStick target 3 Letters
3 Hand part read by fortunetellers 4 Letters
4 Significant period 3 Letters
5 Do you want a pen ___ pencil?: 2 wds. 3 Letters
6 Princess ___ Martell from Game of Thrones 4 Letters
7 CAUTION! Balsamic liquid used in salad dressing that shouldn't be stored in a metal container 7 Letters
8 Whispering call 4 Letters
9 Luke to Darth Vader 3 Letters
10 Dalmatian's mark 4 Letters
11 Visualize 3 Letters
12 Colorful invisible vibe 4 Letters
13 That woman 3 Letters
14 Music with deep expression 3 Letters
15 Gather as crops 4 Letters
16 I ___ thee farewell 3 Letters
17 Sip it or spill it 3 Letters
18 CAUTION! ___ juice yellow citrus fruit extract that shouldn't be stored in a metal container 5 Letters
19 Cruise ship stop 4 Letters
20 One who writes sonnets 4 Letters
21 Tailor's measuring unit 4 Letters
22 Snug as jeans 5 Letters
23 Took off quickly 3 Letters
24 February 14th outing 4 Letters
25 CAUTION! Small sour cucumbers that shouldn't be stored in a metal container 7 Letters
26 Wheel-holding rod 4 Letters
27 Told ya! 3 Letters
28 Ex Machina robot 3 Letters
29 CAUTION! Dairy product produced by cows that shouldn't be stored in a metal container 4 Letters
30 Matador yell 3 Letters
31 Precious stone 3 Letters
32 Accelerate as an engine 3 Letters
33 Singer Grande's nickname 3 Letters
34 Isle of ___ Irish Sea 3 Letters
35 Apple's apple for one 4 Letters
36 Tehran's country 4 Letters
37 Decent golf score 3 Letters
38 CAUTION! Chili ___ spicy food staple that shouldn't be stored in a metal container 6 Letters
39 First A in AKA 4 Letters
40 Shopper's reference that has items 4 Letters
41 Doorstep item 3 Letters
42 Fire ___ (emergency exit) 6 Letters
43 Plant origin 4 Letters
44 Pool vehicle? 3 Letters
45 Wish I hadn't done it feeling 3 Letters
46 Not written as an exam 4 Letters
47 Rise and ___ 5 Letters
48 Prince Williams' school 4 Letters
49 BMW rival informally 4 Letters
50 Solemn promise 4 Letters
51 Cowboy footwear 4 Letters
52 Speed limit letters 3 Letters
53 Flamingo color 4 Letters
54 Court proceeding 5 Letters
55 Whistle to summon one perhaps 4 Letters
56 ___ be alright (don't worry) 4 Letters
57 Computer whiz 4 Letters
58 Long-term pain 4 Letters
59 River blocker 3 Letters
60 Vietnamese noodle soup 3 Letters
61 Jet ___ (time zone issue) 3 Letters
62 First lady? 3 Letters
63 ___ Claflin actor in Love Wedding Repeat 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Pickle in Paris 9 Letters
5 Musical accord 7 Letters
6 Pertaining to the stars 6 Letters
7 Without soothing reassurance 11 Letters
8 Fearful 5 Letters
9 Flat-topped underwater peak 5 Letters
10 Where 221B Baker Street is 6 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Likelihood to dissolve 10 Letters
2 Pasta strainers 9 Letters
3 For VIPs only 9 Letters
4 Quality of voice 6 Letters
5 26-mile run 8 Letters
6 Certain metal mill 9 Letters
7 Bright and warm 8 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 It sparks a campfire 10 Letters
2 Famed French composer 7 Letters
3 Glow with heat 10 Letters
4 Did some online writing 7 Letters
5 Author Huxley 6 Letters
6 Fundamental 11 Letters
7 Brick-based theme park 8 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 What a lead singer provides 6 Letters
2 Morally upright 9 Letters
3 Clothes in old slang 4 Letters
4 Some Buffalo wings 6 Letters
5 British schoolyard game 8 Letters
6 Complain or gripe 4 Letters
7 Giving to as homework 9 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Populate 7 Letters
2 Hoist weights in a way 8 Letters
3 Connected group 5 Letters
4 Camera parts 8 Letters
5 Greek architectural style 5 Letters
6 Youngest Girl Guides 6 Letters
7 Human tower in Catalonia 7 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.