Aliens: Abbr.

Aliens: Abbr. crossword clue answer contains 3 letters and has been last seen on November 26 2024 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: ETS

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 Set eyes on a target 3 Letters
2 HP or IBM products: Abbr. 3 Letters
3 Right Round rapper ___ Rida 3 Letters
4 Wound remnant 4 Letters
5 Leftover morsel 3 Letters
6 Washington Irving's ___ Van Winkle 3 Letters
7 Loyola Blakefield vs. Calvert ___ College one of the oldest football rivalries in Maryland who play the Turkey Bowl 4 Letters
8 Family ___ (diagram of generations) 4 Letters
9 Listen to one's gut? 3 Letters
10 A horse's sound 5 Letters
11 ___ Dinklage TV's Tyrion Lannister 5 Letters
12 Split ___ soup 3 Letters
13 Significant time period 3 Letters
14 Flight's expected landing hour: Abbr. 3 Letters
15 Mamma ___ 3 Letters
16 Fordham ___ vs. Xavier High School one of the oldest football rivalries in New York who play the Turkey Bowl 4 Letters
17 ___ & conditions 5 Letters
18 Put money on a race say 3 Letters
19 Leather-punching tool 3 Letters
20 Birthday essential 4 Letters
21 Ethyl ending 3 Letters
22 Pink Floyd's song ___ You 3 Letters
23 Commercials during the Super Bowl for short 3 Letters
24 Mop & ___ (floor cleaner) 3 Letters
25 ___ High School vs. Beverly High School one of the oldest football rivalries in Massachusetts who play the Turkey Bowl 5 Letters
26 Animal found in South America that resembles a camel 5 Letters
27 Edible seaweed that may look like paper 4 Letters
28 Infamous actor ___ Jones 4 Letters
29 Hawaii garland 3 Letters
30 Investments for old age: Abbr. 4 Letters
31 Dig a ___ in the ground 4 Letters
32 Modern boxing-like combat sport: Abbr. 3 Letters
33 Fishnet material 4 Letters
34 A precipitation found on plants in the early morning 3 Letters
35 Cigarette residue 3 Letters
36 The Who's ___ See for Miles: 2 wds. 4 Letters
37 Like a stag or a stallion 4 Letters
38 ___ favor (please in Spanish) 3 Letters
39 Thin pancake variety 5 Letters
40 Control the movement of a vessel for one 5 Letters
41 Norwich ___ Academy vs. New London High School one of the oldest football rivalries in Connecticut who play the Turkey Bowl 4 Letters
42 Truth twister 4 Letters
43 Make a selection 3 Letters
44 Spot on a radar screen 4 Letters
45 Southeast Asian cuisine that is Bangkok's specialty 4 Letters
46 Precious stones 4 Letters
47 Water faucet 3 Letters
48 And so on: Abbr. 3 Letters
49 Tetley product 3 Letters
50 Noah's masterpiece as per the Bible 3 Letters
51 Homer Simpson's dad 3 Letters
52 Go team go! 3 Letters
53 A female sheep 3 Letters
54 Tissue thickness (e.g.two-___) 3 Letters
55 Happy ___ (McDonald's food combo) 4 Letters
56 ___ High School vs. Boston Latin School one of the oldest football rivalries in Massachusetts who play the Turkey Bowl 7 Letters
57 Inform verbally 4 Letters
58 Jeans fabric mimicked by jeggings 5 Letters
59 Three-ingredient campfire treat 5 Letters
60 Courtroom promise 4 Letters
61 Part of a plant that holds a flower 4 Letters
62 Continent to visit if you want to see the Taj Mahal 4 Letters
63 What an emoji might reveal 4 Letters
64 ___ was I ere I saw Elba (famous palindrome) 4 Letters
65 A Nightmare on ___ Street 3 Letters
66 ___ al Ghul (DC Comics character) 3 Letters
67 Fine-grained wood 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Large citrus fruit 6 Letters
5 Small red Japanese fruit 9 Letters
6 You eat its red seeds 11 Letters
7 Georgia's fruit 5 Letters
8 Bartlett or Concorde 4 Letters
9 Orange-fleshed fruit 6 Letters
10 Hawaiian pizza fruit 9 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 Scoreboard column 4 Letters
2 Rodeo participant 5 Letters
3 Star Wars star Fisher 6 Letters
4 Presented as a present 6 Letters
5 Precipitated icily 7 Letters
6 Thinner 10 Letters
7 Slanting 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 It crashed in 1937 10 Letters
2 Mozart by birth 8 Letters
3 Resembling suede 11 Letters
4 High school novice slangily 5 Letters
5 Hanging artwork 7 Letters
6 Warsaw denizen 4 Letters
7 Zest 4 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Daffodil variety 7 Letters
2 Lots and lots 6 Letters
3 Bouncing gently on the knee 8 Letters
4 Respecting 10 Letters
5 Self-confidence 6 Letters
6 Merging 10 Letters
7 Contaminate 6 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Baseball players' headgear 4 Letters
2 Jam pickle or stew 4 Letters
3 Like log cabins 6 Letters
4 Place to buy a pie 8 Letters
5 Acid neutralizers 7 Letters
6 Person from Karachi 9 Letters
7 Pretty as a picture 10 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.