Adam's partner in Eden

Adam's partner in Eden crossword clue answer contains 3 letters and has been last seen on November 20 2024 as part of Daily Themed Crossword.

Possible Solution: EVE

Related Clues

# Clues Answer
1 That woman 3 Letters
2 Mouse's resting place 3 Letters
3 Kettle that holds tea or coffee 3 Letters
4 Riddle of Harry Potter 3 Letters
5 I ___ you one 3 Letters
6 Altar promise: 2 wds. 3 Letters
7 ___ mater (one's old school) 4 Letters
8 Pet's hand 3 Letters
9 Scatter seeds 3 Letters
10 Mr. ___ character of few words and a green car who causes a lot of oopsie-whoopsie moments around him 4 Letters
11 Pay-___-view 3 Letters
12 Pickle container 3 Letters
13 Here's what I think ...: Abbr. 3 Letters
14 With all ___ respect ... 3 Letters
15 Ping-Pong table divider 3 Letters
16 Hi-___ image 3 Letters
17 Patrick ___ pink character from SpongeBob SquarePants who causes a lot of oopsie-whoopsie moments around him 4 Letters
18 ___ Maria 3 Letters
19 Put away for later 5 Letters
20 Fresh out of the box 3 Letters
21 Big ___ techie character from Silicon Valley who causes a lot of oopsie-whoopsie moments around him 4 Letters
22 Feel sorrow about 3 Letters
23 Leg joint with a cap 4 Letters
24 Microsoft's alternative to FaceTime 5 Letters
25 River transport 4 Letters
26 Black Friday event 4 Letters
27 When doubled one of the Teletubbies 3 Letters
28 Actor ___ Affleck of Argo 3 Letters
29 Pet doctor for short 3 Letters
30 Prayer ender 4 Letters
31 Gave food say 3 Letters
32 Frozen water block 3 Letters
33 Character who saves the day 4 Letters
34 Philip J. ___ future delivery boy from Futurama who causes a lot of oopsie-whoopsie moments around him 3 Letters
35 Palindromic prefix meaning without 3 Letters
36 Fruit that isn't ripe 3 Letters
37 ___ in the back (betrayal) 4 Letters
38 Black ___ (spot in space) 4 Letters
39 ___ Watson Harry's friend in Harry Potter 4 Letters
40 Vatican City VIP 4 Letters
41 Oscar or Emmy e.g. 5 Letters
42 Drop on grass blades 3 Letters
43 Leaning Tower of ___ 4 Letters
44 Air Wick target 4 Letters
45 Haul away as a damaged car 3 Letters
46 Darth Vader's childhood nickname 3 Letters
47 Frost or Wordsworth's lines 6 Letters
48 Jumbo ___ (aircraft) 3 Letters
49 ___ Doubtfire (Robin Williams film) 3 Letters
50 ___ the force Luke 3 Letters
51 Slangy no 3 Letters
52 Lipton brew 3 Letters
53 Liquid dinner starter 4 Letters
54 Actress Faris of the Scary movie 4 Letters
55 Coral ___ (snorkeling spot) 4 Letters
56 Fishing line holder 4 Letters
57 Like a just-mopped floor 3 Letters
58 Broadband internet letters 3 Letters
59 Cosmo ___ wild-haired neighbor character from Seinfeld who causes a lot of oopsie-whoopsie moments around him 6 Letters
60 ___ Malone Dunder Mifflin accountant who spills more than he counts and causes a lot of oopsie-whoopsie moments around him 5 Letters
61 Fortune-teller with a crystal ball 4 Letters
62 The ___ Griffith Show 4 Letters
63 Sound of relief 3 Letters
64 Lifelong pal: Abbr. 3 Letters
65 Green prefix? 3 Letters
66 Countdown starter 3 Letters
67 Time piece? 3 Letters
68 Currently 3 Letters


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Latest Clues

# Clues Answer
4 Gave custody of 9 Letters
5 Sporty convertible 8 Letters
6 Brian Dennis & Carl Wilson 9 Letters
7 Heat-related 7 Letters
8 Scant quality 9 Letters
9 Get on a list ahead of time 11 Letters
10 Goaded 7 Letters

Latest Bonus Answers

# Clues Answer
1 More lithe 7 Letters
2 Turned to the right again 11 Letters
3 Of unknown time 7 Letters
4 Locks away 7 Letters
5 Ahead of the times 10 Letters
6 Stitched up 4 Letters
7 Star Trek phaser setting 4 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Having strong views 11 Letters
2 Reduction of a sentence 11 Letters
3 First course 7 Letters
4 In an upbeat way 10 Letters
5 Call into question 6 Letters
6 Corpulence 9 Letters
7 Susan B. Anthony for one 10 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 Steel wool pad 7 Letters
2 Gonzo the Great feature 8 Letters
3 Whitened the laundry 5 Letters
4 Cook in hot liquid 5 Letters
5 Gives up 5 Letters
6 Keeping in reserve 11 Letters
7 Warm-up exercise 7 Letters
# Clues Answer
1 In a ravenous manner 11 Letters
2 Rotates 5 Letters
3 Montreal hockey team 9 Letters
4 Tennis legend Arthur 4 Letters
5 Applying a wood finish 8 Letters
6 State of being old-fashioned 9 Letters
7 Spread widely 9 Letters is created by fans, for fans. 7 Little Words game and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Blue Ox Family Games, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.